Yes, and Finally I have registered my Last Semister.
The registration process of 12 hours took 8 Minutes on Peak period (I.E: My Registration started at 12:30 and I My registration lasted from 12:30 til 12:38).
My Friend Diana had 15 Hours registered within 2.5 Minutes in Off Peak period (Her Registration started at 8:30 AM but she came to register at 12:10 PM).
I actually got my last e-registration process on my Digi cam with the help of a colleague, but I have no place to put it on the web since it's about 30MB large!
Anyway, just to keep you in the environment, The Registration system at HU is an Oracle Forms 6i system, you can register through it from all the internet Labs around the University. The System got furtherly used for Exam Timetables, Fees details, Student Information and Student Grades and GPA reports.
The System was actually created by Students as their graduation project in 2003 and adopted by the Computer Center at the university ending the era of Paper based registration.
Problem?! Of course, excluding the fact that the DBMS is on Windows Server though there are 7 Unix Servers at the Computer Center. There's the problem of extensive use by the students their selves! All happens when a couple of creative guys (we call some females guys too!) have some section closed in their face, and they really do want that section because their mates are in it. Here comes the art of (EL SHELEN!)

YATEM WAD3 EL SHELEN BEL YAD AL YOMNA WA LAISA EL YOSRA BEN EL “shift button” WA AL “Enter” until the section opens up!
Usually the section never opens up and the server gets restarted a couple of times after extinsive phonecalls done by the Lab Administrators!
You can see from my description at the beginning of the post that during Peak hours the delay of process is much bigger, I didnt mention that the “SHELEN” process have caused a problem around 1:10 and lasted for not less than 35 Minutes until the whole thing got up running again.
In short, HELL to UJ's COBOL (AKA SLOBOL) cause Oracle Roxx Man!!! I guess the need to install (SHELEN) detectors at the entrance of the labs at HU though ;)