30 March, 2008

Umniah rocks the GSM Market in Jordan!

ومنذ الإعلان عن العرض، يؤكّد العموش توافد المواطنين الراغبين في حيازته منذ ساعات الصباح الباكر وحتى قبل افتتاح المعارض يومي الخميس وأمس السبت، وخصوصاً معارض الشركة في عمان في الشميساني والجاردنز وكذلك الأمر في معارض الشركة في إربد والعقبة.

وأشار العموش الى أنّ الشركة منذ يوم الخميس قامت ببيع نحو 20 ألف خط ضمن العرض الجديد في جميع أنحاء المملكة ما وصفه بأنه "مستوى قياسي للمبيعات".

وأكد في الوقت ذاته أن الشركة ستعمل خلال الأسابيع القليلة المقبلة على طرح عروض جديدة من شأنها تخفيف الضغط غير المسبوق على عرض "خط مستحيل 10".

وعدا عن العرض الجديد تقدم شركة أمنية التي يبلغ عدد مشتركيها اليوم 1.3 مليون مشترك 5 عروض رئيسة ضمن فئة المدفوع مسبقاً وعرضين رئيسين لفئة الاشتراكات الشهرية في سوق يدور في فلكها قرابة الـ 30 عرضاً خلوياً تتبع أربع شركات.


و هكذا بنحب نحكي للأخت زين.... بس بلاش :)

More about this topic.

UPDATE: Just got those leaked photos from Umniah's showroom security cameras :D ENJOY!

As for me, i'm already an Umniah Subscriber for over 2.5 years now ... and i have FREE phonecalls to all Umniah number :) and 0.06 JD to all other numbers :)

بالثانية من أول ثانية

27 March, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

Since almost nobody blogged about it around here in jordan (sorry dima dudette for forgetting about you at the beginning), and since this happens to take place right in the day that is my birthday.

I hope some people, and you, my dear readers would be aware enough to get involved in Earth Hour, that would take place next saturday, the 29th of March 2008. at 8 PM Your local time, all around the world, hour by hour, country by country, all around the world.

Get involved and see the difference you can make in fighting the global warming.

& hey, maybe natalie imruglia will give you a kiss :D

24 March, 2008

JO Magazine's ignorance of the "Trust Bus Accident"

After the sad accident with Trust's Aqaba-Irbid bus, and the 25 lives lost in it.
and after several bloggers blogged about the accident and Trust Transport Co.... and others who deleted their posts for one reason or another!

I got a phone call from someone at JO Magazine, who was interested in making a feature about this accident, and asked me several question, some were already answered in my blog post, others were further explained, and yet other were exclusively said in that phonecall.

The person didnt call again, and unfortunatelly, when i bought this month's JO Magazine, the topic was totally ignored, not even a single printed line mentioned this accident, its life loses or any abstracts about the story ,,,, not even in the blogs reaction page!


I'm still wondering, what ever happened to the topic, who took the decision behind not publishing anything about it. Did the company or its owners have a hand in that!?

I wanna know!

Can anyone please tell me! ... or dare to tell me!
and i dont think an answer of "It wasn't that much of an important topic" is either logical or accepted!

23 March, 2008

Invitation to a bloggers meeting with Radio Al-Balad

Are you a blogger?!
Are you interested in having a "random" meeting with the media!

I just got an e-mail from Daoud Kuttab, chief of Radio Al-Balad (a.k.a AmmanNet)... that they at Radio al-Balad are holding a call it "blogger gathering" within their station, tomorrow, Monday the 24th, at 6:00 PM @ Radio Al-Balad (Wadi Saqra St - Opposite to Astra Center).

I forwarded the email for those who i have their emails, I thought this might be the best way to get through to the others :)

19 March, 2008

Jordanian Radios Rating Results

An interesting survey about media in jordan was illustrated and announced by Irex Jordan lately.

You might have read a bit about it from Naseem Al-Tarawneh in his post regarding how reading is dead in Jordan.

And i will be showing up some figures that are to bring attention in this report as far as radio industry is concerned.

Lets See!
1st of all, the amazingly low “listenership” was a title for the survey, as only 56.9% of those surveyed have listened to a radio within a week from the survey, and only 45.9% did the day before the survey.

Its quite true, and from my own personal observations, that less than half of the population listen to radio! Despite the fact of having all those radio stations in the airwaves. This is very obvious whenever you get in the shops around malls in commercial centers, where you'd find the people at the store playing, mostly, CREAPY MUSIC! That goes, many times, off the store or shop theme even! And not to forget how much of annoying thing is when you get a big shop for one of the brands where you'd find some low quality music, or a fashion shop with all sort of people from different ages getting into it with explicit-lyrics music playing in the background ... eu! Very ugly!
I guess the creapy taste of chain shops and stores in jordan are to be discussed in another post, because there is a lot of talking among that deep inside of me!

Now the next surprise is the ratings ... which are illustrated in the following figure (snapped from the report), for the past 7 days listening.

So despite all the fuss, the promotions, the branding, the shows, the “exclusive this – exclusive that”, the rating of the 4 private english-speaking radio stations in Jordan are at the bottom of the table!!!

Even the so-called "eu! Not cool Radio station" among filthy rich listeners, Radio Jordan 96.3 FM is having the biggest rating among english speaking radio stations in Jordan. With an 0.7%, with ZERO promotions and prizes :) the station we have grown to learning english, is still the best way for the people to learn english! Despite the fact that his survey was taken during the worst period RJ 96.3 FM ever passed through.

Mood FM is following with an 0.6%, taking advantage of its exclusivity in style. To have a better rating than the 2 hit music stations, Play 99.6 & Beat FM, that came equally at 0.4%. To be finally followed with the what-i-like-to-call-careless Ahlen FM with 0.3%.

I mean! Even Radio Al-Balad (AmmanNet at the time of survey), that was suffering all the time (until last week) from major transmission problems that would prevent its proper airwaves distribution, got an 0.7% higher than all of them. I guess English speaking radio stations in jordan should think seriously about those stats, and reconsider their relation with the people out there!

On the other part of the sphere, Fann FM is still topping the list with 32.2%, followed by the very obviously listened-to Quran FM at 20.8%. Its amazing how Quran FM is stabilizing its position, and even climbing up the rating scale in this commercial radio stations war, and is still keeping quite a big gap with Hayat FM coming 7th with a 5.8%.

One of the observation also to be noted is that fact the state-owned Amman FM came prior to Radio Jordan Broadcasting's Main Service. Maybe this is to mean two indicators for the RJB, that their concentration on Amman FM is putting the station at a high rank (despite the fact that many people think Fann FM is Amman FM because of al-wakeel's show!), but at the same time The national public radio is not doing that well, when in other countries, like romania, the national public radio is on the top of the rank despite the existence of over 60 radio stations across the country.

Finally, I thought that Amen FM was to get a higher rating with all those Taxi drivers listening to it! I'm sure its rating at the time being is higher than it was at the time of this survey .... and where the hell did Melody FM get the 2.6% from!!!!

Last but not least, this interesting figure in the report appendix, shows how according to IPSOS Stats how more people listen to Radio than the ones reading Newspapers and Magazines all together! While when its to be compared to the ad-spent split, Newspapers and Magazines are eating 81% of the announcers money! In comparison with only 8% for the radio!
I guess this should be a good indicator for those commercial and promotions spenders at the big companies to rethink their minds about Radio Ads and promos!

In Progress :)

Hope you all are liking the new look ... as well as the new features
More to come :)

As I promised, n@simjo 3.0 is coming until the end of this month

18 March, 2008

Jailing 5 Journalists ... @ 1 shot!

اصدرت محكمة البداية ثلاثة احكام بالسجن لمدة ثلاثة اشهر في ثلاث قضايا مطبوعات لكل من الزملاء طاهر العدوان رئيس تحرير صحيفة العرب اليوم واسامة الشريف رئيس التحرير السابق لصحيفة الدستور والصحفي فايز اللوزي والصحفية سحر القاسم والكاتب عبدالهادي المجالي


The 1st case was against Addustour, its journalist and chief.
The 2nd case was against Al-Arab Al-Youm, its journalist and chief.
Those 2 were because of discussing a court decision and criticizing it.

and the 3rd is against AbdulHadi Rajee Al-Majalee, for an publishing and electronic article about Besher Al-Khasawneh, ex-head of the Jordan Media Center.

Both cases are interesting, the 1st 2 happening after the kings call for not jailing any journalist for discussing a public case. that is, during his Majesty's speech from the Throne inaugurating the 15th Parliament.

While the 2nd being the 2nd case in no time dependent on "stuff" written on an online media! after AmmanNet's case.

More here

16 March, 2008

Energy FM Vs. Play 99.6 yesterday!

While Energy FM was caught yesterday airing a pirated version of Mariah Carey's "Touch My body", recorded from what seems to be a TV show, with a bad quality, while its still test transmitting.

Play 99.6 bought exclusive airplay rights of the new track by Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland "4 Minutes"... which has actually leaked out in europe.

Just a rumble! and an observation of the airwaves for yesterday!

Update [19-3-2008]: As you might be able to see in the comment that one of the readers (ahed) had, the new madonna song is apparently still banned from airwaves as Warner music claims, which makes the version aired by Play 99.6 the leaked version.
I heard the song on Beat FM and RJ 96.3 FM as well.

12 March, 2008

BAJD ... Delegated for Jordanian Bloggers

For a person who has spent his day fixing damn security and auditing bugs.
& still has over 15 bugs hanging out there to be finished tonight ... the simplest thing i can say about Blog About Jordan Day is:

if (me.stillHasBugs()) {

Excuse me for not being able to separate a sector in my mind for this post.
Jordan in short means to me: Variety, hybridism, & were everything comes together compiling a completely new concept :) & this is what i mostly like about jordan :)

& Thank you jordanian bloggers for making BAJD "THIS BIG" :)

11 March, 2008

اتدفوا على .... بنزين 2.0

عمان - رفعت وزارة الصناعة والتجارة سعر البنزين الخالي من الرصاص (اوكتان 90) بمقدار عشرين قرشا للصفيحة الواحدة (20 لترا) ليصل سعرها إلى 11.70 دينار بدلا من 11.5 دينار، بحيث يباع اللتر الواحد بسعر 585 فلسا.

كما رفعت الوزارة البنزين (اوكتان 95) بمقدار عشرة قروش للصفيحة الواحدة ليصل إلى 13.30 دينار بدلا من 13.20 دينار ليباع اللتر الواحد بسعر 665 فلسا. وارتفعت كذلك أسعار الكاز والسولار لتصل إلى 12 دينارا للصفيحة بدلا من 11.10 دينار، ليباع اللتر الواحد بسعر 600 فلس.


هاد إسموا غبى و تخلف .... البنزين أرخص من الديزل و الكاز!

يعني الحكومة بتحكيلك مشان الله إشتري سيارة و ما تطلع بالباص!

غبى غبى غبى!

يعني أذا أجاك شحاد و اعطيته نص دينار ... و قاللك والله ما بكفوني قزازة كاز .. شو بدك تحكيله يا أيها المسؤول؟! اتدفى على بنزين 90

More on this!

10 March, 2008

فيما اكد الأخ أن النقل يسير بانتظام ودون مشاكل

ضحكت الأسبوع الماضي لما شفت في جريدة الرأي المقال الآتي ...

اكد طلبة في الجامعة الهاشمية معاناتهم اليومية من خدمات النقل العام من والى الجامعة لافتين الى ان طول انتظار الحافلات وعدم انتظام الدور والتحميل الزائد وتعثر المواعيد والترددات ابرز المشاكل المتكررة التي تواجههم.
وقالوا في اتصال مع الرأي لعرض شكواهم ان خطوط النقل الى الجامعة من العاصمة والمحافظات الاخرى دائما تشهد ازمات كبيرة للنقل مؤكدين انتظارهم لاكثر من ساعة احيانا حتى تحضر الحافلات مشيرين في الوقت ذاته ان وسائط النقل لا تعمل ضمن الترددات وتبقى مصطفه حتى تمتلأ كراسيها وفي بعض الاحيان ممراتها

حتى الآن ما في إشي غريب ... أنا كنت طالب في الجامعة الهاشمية، و بعرف هذا الإشي، و بعرف إنه لسه حاليا أسواء، و شوفت هذا الإشي عدة مرات في مواقف الجامعة في رغدان و صويلح.... و لكن .... بطلعلك رئيس هيئة تنظيم الإشي، و بقلك في نفس الخبر:

فيما اكد مدير عام هيئة تنظيم قطاع النقل العام الدكتور هاشم المساعيد ان النقل على خطوط الجامعة يسير بانتظام ودون مشاكل مشيرا الى انه تواجد على احد خطوط الجامعة في ساعات الصباح الباكر من امس ولم يلحظ أي ازمة لنقل الركاب وكانت الحافلات تسير بانتظام
....باقي الخبر


الله يعين بعض الناس على حالها ، هذا اللي بقدر أحكي ... على كل، ما بدي أنشر فضايح الهيئة الجديدة في ما يخص قطار عمان الزرقاء و قصة "البطاقات الذكية"، لسه بكير

06 March, 2008

Under Maintenance

Sorry for everyone who might be wondering about the noisy changes, or actually stripping going around in my blog.

I'm promising you something new by the end of this month, a 3.0 n@simjo hopefully :)

01 March, 2008

HappY Martsishor!

Who will come tomorrow,
might get one of these :)

Happy Martsishor Ladies :)