I got this visit at this blog at 17:25:34 today. it seems from a Fastlink GPRS user.
here are information attached to the visitor (Watch out for the naming convention in the ISP name :)
IP Address:
Country: Jordan
Region: -
City: -
ISP: This Network Will Be For Fastlink Infrastucture And Gprs Users
Returning Visits: 1
Visit Length: 20 seconds
Past Think, ha :)
Technology gets very well along with sociology despite sociologists don't believe in us. I'm here to help my community with my Technology. Life is Object Oriented, so think rational & culture-is-e Your self!
30 October, 2006
The Biggest Audio Media Event Jordan ever had, AMARC 9
As you might have read earlier this year here and here
... The 9th World Conference and General Assembly of AMARC by the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) is being held this month in Amman between the 11th and 17th of novermeber at the Belle Vue Hotel at the 2nd circle.
Radio Amman Net will be hosting the international event bringing up to 300-400 community broadcasters from more than 110 countries and all regions of the world.
The ninth gathering of community radio broadcasters will take a week and consist first of all in a world conference that will allow participants to analyze and explore the challenges facing community radios.
several workshops will be held during AMARAC 9, ranging from technical Wireless networking & FM broadcasting, up to Audio Media production.
29 October, 2006
Dear Licensed Microsoft Windows user, thanks for being a FOOL! (Part #2)
After the big stories of failure success in part 1, my licensed microsoft Windows Home XP is back with another bug, this time in relation to opening the contents of a 2.0 USB flash memory.
So you plug it, as you do always, its light goes on, and you open "My Computer" in order to "explore" its contents .....
What ..... Hello!!! any body there, refresh once, refresh twice, nothing!
when putting the path in the address bar, BUNGGG! what! not found! ouuuuhhhh!
opening the DOS prompt (or the command prompt application as microsoft likes to called) ... holly Falafel its there!

and in this picture you can see how does "My Computer" looks like...

So, whats next then! opening any non microsoft application, Open Office or Acrobat Reader for example, File->Open ..... AND ITS THERE!

So you plug it, as you do always, its light goes on, and you open "My Computer" in order to "explore" its contents .....
What ..... Hello!!! any body there, refresh once, refresh twice, nothing!
when putting the path in the address bar, BUNGGG! what! not found! ouuuuhhhh!
opening the DOS prompt (or the command prompt application as microsoft likes to called) ... holly Falafel its there!

and in this picture you can see how does "My Computer" looks like...

So, whats next then! opening any non microsoft application, Open Office or Acrobat Reader for example, File->Open ..... AND ITS THERE!

22 October, 2006
Radio Guide Update: a New station on 91.1 FM
a new station is broadcasting in the greater Amman Area on 91.1 FM, the station currently plays non stop hits, mainly arabic, with some promos related to "Melody Music"... which might be a sign for the owners of the radio station!
special thanks for Mr Majdy MK Jaradat for bringing this station to my attention.
Update: The station also transmits on 105.5 FM for an area outside Amman, I think it is Zarqa, but no test cases are confirmed yet regarding its coverage.
Update 2: The station's name is officially declared, Melody FM
special thanks for Mr Majdy MK Jaradat for bringing this station to my attention.
Update: The station also transmits on 105.5 FM for an area outside Amman, I think it is Zarqa, but no test cases are confirmed yet regarding its coverage.
Update 2: The station's name is officially declared, Melody FM
Radio Guide Update: WATAN FM
The station powered by Al-rawa’e Media that got a license to transmit on 100.3 FM in Amman and 92.7 FM in irbid finally unveiled its name.
The station is entitled WATAN FM.
And it will be an Arabic spoken radio station that will include both: entertainment as well as news and political shows.
The station is entitled WATAN FM.
And it will be an Arabic spoken radio station that will include both: entertainment as well as news and political shows.
16 October, 2006
لا تووت و لا بلووط .. هنا الحقيقة!

الوثيقة أعلاه هي عبارة عن طلب انتساب قدم من الرفيق نسيم الأردن بخصوص أضافته الى الأغريغيتر التووتي أربعة أيام قبل البدأ بالتووت.
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لاحظوا ثبوت وجود الواسطة الثقيلة من نوعها و المتمثلة بالمدير العام للشركة المالكة و شاهدان بالغان عاقلان (أو ما يعوظ عنهما فيرتشوالي) و طابع الصادرات من هيئة تشجيع الأستثمار. ذلك بالأضافة الى دفع كافة رسوم الأشتراك و رسوم التأمين المتمثلة ببوسه غير مستردة.
كما لاحظوا ان المعاملة سارت بالطريق القانوني عبر جسر الداخلية باتجاه العبدلي جنوب شرق, و حصولها على ختم المسلخ الأصلي ثلاثي الأبعاد.....
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
و ما أن منحت هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات رخصة أغريغتر جديدة بسعر قرطة أردنية كاملة فقط لا غير, حصلت عليها "آي بلووط" و المملوكة بالكامل من قبل (شركة طلاب فن عمان الأهلية الكوايتة سابقا بلا زغره)... آلا بنا و نسمع أن "آي بلووط" تم شراءها من قبل ائتلاف شركات التووت الأردنية المساهمة العامة المحدودة بمبلغ يفوق الثلاثة و ستون قرشا و نصف في صدمة لم يشهدها القطاع من قبل.
و نحن و من علا هذا المنبر الحر نطالب هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات إبطال الصفقة الجائرة و إعادة ماء الوجه للسوق, رخصة بتنشرى ب قرشين و نص و بتنباع بستة و ثلاثين قرش و نص, الشعب البلوطي وين! و نطالب بمحاسبة من تسول له نفسه بزعزة الأمن البلوغرجاوي بيد من بروكسي الجامعة الهاشمية الحديدي.
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لا تووت و لا بلووط ... وعاش كوكب الأردن سالما في ظل أبو حسين الله يطوللنا بعمره.
قال ما فيش حرية قال! منييح اللي ما عرفتوا تشاوشيسكو (هاظ رئيس رومانيا أيام الشيوعية و أنا عايشتوا بما أنو فيي عرق روماني).
ملاحظة: مطلوب شريكه استراتيجية للبلوج بداعي الترافيك اللي مش و لا بد.
ملاحظة: يوجد لدينا دي في دي روم ماركة إل جي مستعمل على الفحص الكامل, للجادين فقط ... والله ما بمزح.
إعلان: مطلوب شقة للشراء أو الأجار في العاصمة عمان بمساحة تتراوح بين 110-130 متر فقط لا غير لعائلة تتكون من 3 اشخاص (أنا و أمي و أبوي).... مشان الله صاللي 4 شهور بدور.
جميع المواقف و المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه واقعية و حقيقية.
معلومة مهمة: تم في الثاني و العشرين من أكتوبر 2008 قبولي في تووت و بنفس المعاملة أعلاه و بدون واسطات زيادة.. و عقبالكم
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لاحظوا ثبوت وجود الواسطة الثقيلة من نوعها و المتمثلة بالمدير العام للشركة المالكة و شاهدان بالغان عاقلان (أو ما يعوظ عنهما فيرتشوالي) و طابع الصادرات من هيئة تشجيع الأستثمار. ذلك بالأضافة الى دفع كافة رسوم الأشتراك و رسوم التأمين المتمثلة ببوسه غير مستردة.
كما لاحظوا ان المعاملة سارت بالطريق القانوني عبر جسر الداخلية باتجاه العبدلي جنوب شرق, و حصولها على ختم المسلخ الأصلي ثلاثي الأبعاد.....
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
و ما أن منحت هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات رخصة أغريغتر جديدة بسعر قرطة أردنية كاملة فقط لا غير, حصلت عليها "آي بلووط" و المملوكة بالكامل من قبل (شركة طلاب فن عمان الأهلية الكوايتة سابقا بلا زغره)... آلا بنا و نسمع أن "آي بلووط" تم شراءها من قبل ائتلاف شركات التووت الأردنية المساهمة العامة المحدودة بمبلغ يفوق الثلاثة و ستون قرشا و نصف في صدمة لم يشهدها القطاع من قبل.
و نحن و من علا هذا المنبر الحر نطالب هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات إبطال الصفقة الجائرة و إعادة ماء الوجه للسوق, رخصة بتنشرى ب قرشين و نص و بتنباع بستة و ثلاثين قرش و نص, الشعب البلوطي وين! و نطالب بمحاسبة من تسول له نفسه بزعزة الأمن البلوغرجاوي بيد من بروكسي الجامعة الهاشمية الحديدي.
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لا تووت و لا بلووط ... وعاش كوكب الأردن سالما في ظل أبو حسين الله يطوللنا بعمره.
قال ما فيش حرية قال! منييح اللي ما عرفتوا تشاوشيسكو (هاظ رئيس رومانيا أيام الشيوعية و أنا عايشتوا بما أنو فيي عرق روماني).
ملاحظة: مطلوب شريكه استراتيجية للبلوج بداعي الترافيك اللي مش و لا بد.
ملاحظة: يوجد لدينا دي في دي روم ماركة إل جي مستعمل على الفحص الكامل, للجادين فقط ... والله ما بمزح.
إعلان: مطلوب شقة للشراء أو الأجار في العاصمة عمان بمساحة تتراوح بين 110-130 متر فقط لا غير لعائلة تتكون من 3 اشخاص (أنا و أمي و أبوي).... مشان الله صاللي 4 شهور بدور.
جميع المواقف و المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه واقعية و حقيقية.
معلومة مهمة: تم في الثاني و العشرين من أكتوبر 2008 قبولي في تووت و بنفس المعاملة أعلاه و بدون واسطات زيادة.. و عقبالكم
09 October, 2006
دائرة الأرصاد الجوية تأكد هبوب أرياح شمالية جنوبية

أكدت مصادر مطلعة على موقع دائرة الأرصاد الجوية على جهاز الأنترنت هبوب أرياح شمالية جنوبية يوم الأربعاء القادم.
وعقبال الأنخفاظ المرتفع في درجات الحرارة
More Related [HERE]
08 October, 2006
Talasim.com, this Thursday, on Jordan FM!
After their big success online, in the written media on last month's JO magazine, talasim.com will be officially going on the airwaves!
Talasim.com's Zeid Kodosi and Sabri Hakim will be featured on the Thursday Evening Show, with Dj Mike on Radio Jordan FM, THIS THURSDAY, 4 hours of talasim from talasim exclusively on the airwaves of Jordan FM.
Tune in this Thursday, the 12th of October, 2006 between 8 PM and midnight on your nearest Radio Jordan FM frequency.
Inside Jordan:
96.3 FM: in Amman Greater Area, Salt, Madaba, Zarqa, Mafraq, Karak, Al tafila, Sahab, Mouaggar, Al-Dlail, Al-Sultani, Mo2tah, Al-Hasa, Al F7eis, Al Jizah, Na3our, Swaga, Al Shouna Al Janoubie, Ghour Al-Safi, Swaimeh, Al-Maghtas, Al Bag3a, Jarash, Sakib, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Borma, Al majdal, Al Jazzazeh, 3leimoun, Northern Wadi Araba, plus the first 140 KMs on the Desert Highway, and all the road between Amman and the syrian borders (Jaber).
90.9 FM: in Ajloun, Jerash, Irbid, Sakib, 3ebbein, 3bbellein, Al hoson, Al Ramtha, Um Qais, Bani Kinana, Al Mazar Al-Shamali, Deir 3alla, Al Shouna Al-Shamalie, Kofranja, Anjara, Abu 3obaida, Al Majdal, Borma, Souf, Da7al, Thaghret 3asfour, Balila, Al N3eimeh, Hakama, Beit Ras, 7ouara, R7ab, Jaba, Al Mas6aba, Al Bag3a, Moubis, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Kherbet Al Wahadne, Sakhra, KoforKhall, Qafqafa, 3ein Al Basha, Safou6, Abu Nsaier, Jdetta, Al koura, Eshtafeina, plus all the road between Amman and Irbid, the road between Irbid and Ajloun, and the road between Jerash and Ajloun.
99.7 FM: in Aqaba, Meina2 Al 3agaba, Magas Al 3agaba, The phero's Island, Ga6ar, Southern Wadi Araba, and Al Dorra.
Outside Jordan:
96.3 FM: Jerusalem (Palestine), Jerico (Palestine), Ramallah (Palestine), Al Soueidah (Syria).
90.9 FM: Der3a (Syria), Al Soueidah (Syria), Southern Lebanon, Southern Beqa3 Valley (Lebanon), southern Syria, Nablus (Palestine), The northern Jordan Valley (The occupied territories), the mount of Galilee (The Occupied territories), and Southern Cyprus.
99.7 FM: Elat (The occupied territories), Taba (Egypt), Nouebe3 (Egypt), Sharm Al Sheikh (Egypt), and the most north western parts of Saudi Arabia.
www.jrtv.jo : Were internet is in STEREO :)
Talasim.com's Zeid Kodosi and Sabri Hakim will be featured on the Thursday Evening Show, with Dj Mike on Radio Jordan FM, THIS THURSDAY, 4 hours of talasim from talasim exclusively on the airwaves of Jordan FM.
Tune in this Thursday, the 12th of October, 2006 between 8 PM and midnight on your nearest Radio Jordan FM frequency.
Inside Jordan:
96.3 FM: in Amman Greater Area, Salt, Madaba, Zarqa, Mafraq, Karak, Al tafila, Sahab, Mouaggar, Al-Dlail, Al-Sultani, Mo2tah, Al-Hasa, Al F7eis, Al Jizah, Na3our, Swaga, Al Shouna Al Janoubie, Ghour Al-Safi, Swaimeh, Al-Maghtas, Al Bag3a, Jarash, Sakib, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Borma, Al majdal, Al Jazzazeh, 3leimoun, Northern Wadi Araba, plus the first 140 KMs on the Desert Highway, and all the road between Amman and the syrian borders (Jaber).
90.9 FM: in Ajloun, Jerash, Irbid, Sakib, 3ebbein, 3bbellein, Al hoson, Al Ramtha, Um Qais, Bani Kinana, Al Mazar Al-Shamali, Deir 3alla, Al Shouna Al-Shamalie, Kofranja, Anjara, Abu 3obaida, Al Majdal, Borma, Souf, Da7al, Thaghret 3asfour, Balila, Al N3eimeh, Hakama, Beit Ras, 7ouara, R7ab, Jaba, Al Mas6aba, Al Bag3a, Moubis, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Kherbet Al Wahadne, Sakhra, KoforKhall, Qafqafa, 3ein Al Basha, Safou6, Abu Nsaier, Jdetta, Al koura, Eshtafeina, plus all the road between Amman and Irbid, the road between Irbid and Ajloun, and the road between Jerash and Ajloun.
99.7 FM: in Aqaba, Meina2 Al 3agaba, Magas Al 3agaba, The phero's Island, Ga6ar, Southern Wadi Araba, and Al Dorra.
Outside Jordan:
96.3 FM: Jerusalem (Palestine), Jerico (Palestine), Ramallah (Palestine), Al Soueidah (Syria).
90.9 FM: Der3a (Syria), Al Soueidah (Syria), Southern Lebanon, Southern Beqa3 Valley (Lebanon), southern Syria, Nablus (Palestine), The northern Jordan Valley (The occupied territories), the mount of Galilee (The Occupied territories), and Southern Cyprus.
99.7 FM: Elat (The occupied territories), Taba (Egypt), Nouebe3 (Egypt), Sharm Al Sheikh (Egypt), and the most north western parts of Saudi Arabia.
www.jrtv.jo : Were internet is in STEREO :)
Watch your favorite ramadan shows on Mazaj FM!
Apparently, Mazaj FM, which have recently started a big series of shows on its airwaves, after quite a long period of pure “silence”, or at least this is what i like to call the radio stations that play non stop music all day and night long without any scope or creativity in adding a value for their listeners over an mp3 player. Mazaj FM have recently started broadcasting its radio shows online through their website, as live video streaming too! Where you can see the radio announcer during the show being aired at the moment.
Creative idea, and a first of a kind on the Jordanian airwaves.
I know you are good guys from Abu Lughod family powering Mazaj FM, but personally, I do expect even more from you! What took you so long!
Creative idea, and a first of a kind on the Jordanian airwaves.
I know you are good guys from Abu Lughod family powering Mazaj FM, but personally, I do expect even more from you! What took you so long!
A change in a “Mood” ..... FM!
Did anyone figure out some changes in the music being played on mood FM?! I've noticed that they are recently starting to play some new songs, that , in my opinion, somehow do not go with the flow of the music they usually play, not only this, but this behavior is getting more and more obvious, with several songs back to back! And sometimes with redundancy!
As a listener that wants to turn the radio to Mood FM, having enough of Play, Beat, and most of Jordan FM's redundant junk stuff. I'd be switch to Mood FM in order to have some quality music, goldies, moody, or 70s & 80s disco hits.... but since a while back now i started to hear: Rihanna with “unfaithful” (WHAT! YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, even here), Craig David with “whats your flavor”, Modjo with “Lady” (Though i do believe this will gonna be very suitable to be played on mood, until then i should get married and have a couple of kids), and way much more of mark Anthony than they used to play!
I'm not against Mood playing new stuff, but those should be carefully selected! For example, and since they do have a specialization show for Jazz music, they can play some stuff from Diana Krall's latest album (which no station in town played any track of it, except for a single DJ on Radio Jordan FM, and not to be really noticed on the air), some of you might say that Rihanna's “Unfaithful” for example is somehow suitable to be played on mood, but, lets remember that Rihanna is an R'n'B singer that has nothing to do with any of the styles being played on Mood FM, having a single track released as an imitation wont ever make rihanna suitable to be played on mood FM, not even to be played once in a week, so how about 3-4 times a day!!!!
Of course, Diana Krall and Rihanna were just two examples to give.
Something is to be done regarding this! I do not by any mean accept such a change in a station that I used to give my trust in those sleepless nights full of work that I used to have, where I used to tune in from midnight till the next morning while working non stop, with each and every moment more and more enjoyable with the fine selection of music being played on Mood.
As a listener that wants to turn the radio to Mood FM, having enough of Play, Beat, and most of Jordan FM's redundant junk stuff. I'd be switch to Mood FM in order to have some quality music, goldies, moody, or 70s & 80s disco hits.... but since a while back now i started to hear: Rihanna with “unfaithful” (WHAT! YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, even here), Craig David with “whats your flavor”, Modjo with “Lady” (Though i do believe this will gonna be very suitable to be played on mood, until then i should get married and have a couple of kids), and way much more of mark Anthony than they used to play!
I'm not against Mood playing new stuff, but those should be carefully selected! For example, and since they do have a specialization show for Jazz music, they can play some stuff from Diana Krall's latest album (which no station in town played any track of it, except for a single DJ on Radio Jordan FM, and not to be really noticed on the air), some of you might say that Rihanna's “Unfaithful” for example is somehow suitable to be played on mood, but, lets remember that Rihanna is an R'n'B singer that has nothing to do with any of the styles being played on Mood FM, having a single track released as an imitation wont ever make rihanna suitable to be played on mood FM, not even to be played once in a week, so how about 3-4 times a day!!!!
Of course, Diana Krall and Rihanna were just two examples to give.
Something is to be done regarding this! I do not by any mean accept such a change in a station that I used to give my trust in those sleepless nights full of work that I used to have, where I used to tune in from midnight till the next morning while working non stop, with each and every moment more and more enjoyable with the fine selection of music being played on Mood.
An ex-colleague I've dreamed of!
The other night I had a dream, where one of my university colleagues had appeared.
This ex-colleague that goes by the name of Dina, is a person that used to study a major other than mine, but we accidentally took 3 courses together, starting with an english course in the 1st year, to a sociology course, and later a Human Civilizations course. And mainly our relation was sort of official, “too official” sometimes maybe, and it didn't exceed the limits of ( Hey, how is it going, how are your marks for the past semester, merry xmas, have a nice day, don't you feel cold, its raining cats and dogs outside) ... and so of such formal passing question each and every time we happened to see each other around and about. While in lectures, which were quite discussion-based lectures, we both always had close political and sociological thoughts and ideologies, and we both covered each other's opinions several times against other students opposed thoughts and attacks, without even arranging it.
But, the other day when i woke up after seeing her in a dream (though she wasn't the scope of the dream, she was just a person that appeared among the tens of people that i saw then), i said to my self: “Why hadn't our relation been closer than that?! I personally was found of her thoughts and strong personality in comparison with the majority silent females caring about nothing but silly stuff!” ....
“Wasn't it healthier if we would have known each other better?!”
“Wasn't it better if we would had a mean of communication between us in order to keep in touch and ask for each other's help when we would have needed it!”
Sigh! Wasn't knowing such a person in a better way better than more of the junk people i got to know in this university life!
Questions, where answers do not really worth to be answered now! All i can do now is to open the year book, see that person's picture and say: “wasn't she the one i saw in that dream the other night!?”
This ex-colleague that goes by the name of Dina, is a person that used to study a major other than mine, but we accidentally took 3 courses together, starting with an english course in the 1st year, to a sociology course, and later a Human Civilizations course. And mainly our relation was sort of official, “too official” sometimes maybe, and it didn't exceed the limits of ( Hey, how is it going, how are your marks for the past semester, merry xmas, have a nice day, don't you feel cold, its raining cats and dogs outside) ... and so of such formal passing question each and every time we happened to see each other around and about. While in lectures, which were quite discussion-based lectures, we both always had close political and sociological thoughts and ideologies, and we both covered each other's opinions several times against other students opposed thoughts and attacks, without even arranging it.
But, the other day when i woke up after seeing her in a dream (though she wasn't the scope of the dream, she was just a person that appeared among the tens of people that i saw then), i said to my self: “Why hadn't our relation been closer than that?! I personally was found of her thoughts and strong personality in comparison with the majority silent females caring about nothing but silly stuff!” ....
“Wasn't it healthier if we would have known each other better?!”
“Wasn't it better if we would had a mean of communication between us in order to keep in touch and ask for each other's help when we would have needed it!”
Sigh! Wasn't knowing such a person in a better way better than more of the junk people i got to know in this university life!
Questions, where answers do not really worth to be answered now! All i can do now is to open the year book, see that person's picture and say: “wasn't she the one i saw in that dream the other night!?”
01 October, 2006
Radio Guide Update: a New station on 100.3 FM
A New station is due to start on 100.3 FM, broadcasting in the greater amman area,
The station which started test transmission on this frequency, and whose name is undeclared yet, belongs to Alrawa’e (AL RAWA2E3) media, and will be broadcasting gin Irbid area as well on 100.7 FM (Update: Changed to 92.7 FM).
Stay tuned for more update :)
Update HERE
The station which started test transmission on this frequency, and whose name is undeclared yet, belongs to Alrawa’e (AL RAWA2E3) media, and will be broadcasting gin Irbid area as well on 100.7 FM (Update: Changed to 92.7 FM).
Stay tuned for more update :)
Update HERE
Radio Guide Update: Yarmouk FM on 105.7
Yarmouk FM, Al Yarmouk’s University’s Radio Station is finally ON!
Yarmouk FM is debuting on the airwaves of Irbid area TODAY, the 1st of October 2006 on 105.7 FM
Yarmouk FM is debuting on the airwaves of Irbid area TODAY, the 1st of October 2006 on 105.7 FM
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