So lets see, seems Christmas is more mature this year on the Jordanian radio sphere.
An amazing touch is on the Jordanian Broadcasting Corporation's Main Arabic service radio, which had a special show on Christmas eve, which was, in my opinion very joyful and professional in setting as a show on a public service radio (where formality is a must after all), the show included both Arabic and English Christmas songs, and included interviews with almost a big variety of people related to this occasion, from Bishops and priest of the most important churches in Jordan, to a Jordanian child who sang Christmas songs, to a lady that sang a prayer on the air as well, to ordinary people from both the Muslim and Christian community in Jordan, or Jordanians from abroad.
Another impressive touch was brought on the air throughout Radio Amman Net. Which, what impressed me most, played a huge variety or ARABIC Christmas songs, from choruses and churches from inside and outside Jordan, including a huge unique collection of Fayrouz Christmas ballades, all with perfect quality (since the Jordanian broadcasting radio played some Fayrouz Christmas songs that had a bad quality). Radio Amman Net had also a big variety of social community shows, as well as competitions with prizes, with a lot of Christmas touch. I did like the fact that radio Amman Net played Arabic Christmas songs. No one did this in town before. All the radio announcers and Djs were into the Christmas mood to the maximum. And they also aired the special Christmas show aired on the Jordanian Main Arabic radio( the one mentioned above) live on the air as well. Radio Amman Net FM was indeed the perfect Arabic Christmas station.
Other Arabic station's (Fann FM, Radio Rotana, Sawt al-Ghad, etc..) Christmassy touch didn't exceed some jingles and some western Christmas songs, and a lot of crazy frog's (Last Christmas), which was a hit during last Christmas! When only Radio Jordan FM used to play it.
Radio Jordan FM, is still the best English speaking Christmas station, with a lot and a lot of jingle bill songs from all times, from the 60s and 70s up to this years special Christmas releases. A fact is that despite this fever started gradually from the beginnings of December, and jammed up more and more during the last week before Christmas, and reached all the different shows, from the crazy morning shows, to the very famous LC- Listener's choice which was FULLED with Christmas stuff last Sunday and Friday, and up to some evening shows, the entire Christmas jams had some holes! For example the Christmas eve evening show didn't really feel like its in Christmas eve!
Play 99.6 had its usual, a lot – of – jingles – style in dealing with Christmas, as well as some Christmas events and competitions here and there ( Play 99.6 already leads the Jordanian radio sphere when it comes to competitions and prizes ... so, thats rather a usual thing). And some Christmas tunes here and there within their variety and shows.
Beat FM had Christmas tunes randomly spread around their usual non-stop music collection.
While Mood FM, had the Christmas tunes more selective and accorded to the station's music style, along with the usual Mood FM Christmas jingles.
No other notable christmasity was available on the radio sphere .... until now at least :P
Technology gets very well along with sociology despite sociologists don't believe in us. I'm here to help my community with my Technology. Life is Object Oriented, so think rational & culture-is-e Your self!
26 December, 2006
18 December, 2006
الملك يأمر بإغلاق فوري لسجن الجفر
عمان - غيث الطراونة - أمر جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني أمس بإغلاق سجن الجفر الصحراوي فورا اعتبارا من اليوم بعد استماعه لتقرير المركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان حول واقع السجون في الأردن وتحويله الى مدرسة ومركز للتدريب المهني لأبناء المنطقة .+More here
17 December, 2006
My ex-Colleague on the edges of StarAc 4
Those photos are featuring yours truly (apparently) along with someone else .... who happened to be Jordan's cadidate to the latest middle eastern Star Academy, Star Academy 4.
Unfortunatelly, Noor Kalouti made it to the last 30 people, but didnt make it in the 19 that were chosen to take part in the show.
and In case you are wondering, yes, you saw her in the 1st row on the 1st prime... but its just that those photos are a lil' bit old.
I want to demonstrate my sadness for the fact that my ex-university colleague and friend, noor, is better than some choosed candidates in StarAc 4. as she can sing, dance and act... and is a fast learner....
that is beside the fact that my relationship raised with this lady while her talents were building, and aims getting higher to be someone in this field.
Hardlack noona my friend .... you will always be our favorite local rocker :)
Never Surrender!
12 December, 2006
Java 1.6 Released

Yes, finally, JDK 6 is out in its final version ... it was released yesterday.
Just installed it myself today... (actually I installed a very early beta release last sprint, it was then similar in performance to JDK 5)
the first impression feedback from developers around is: The JVM is faster ... and much more faster than all Java versions that came out until the moment. that is in addition to tens of new and enhanced APIs...
and by the way, it now can deal smoothly with the .NET stupid webservice without any third part APIs.
on this occasion, Sun seem to have a new website out as well :)
The International Childern's Day of Broadcasting, this Friday on Jordan FM
The same as the past several year, and as published Last year as well the International Childern's Day of Broadcasting 2006 will be this friday the 15th of december on Radio Jordan FM (listern here).
This year, Radio Jordan is offering the childern 6 hours. 3 hours between 11-14 through the very famous "LC - Lisener's Choice". and from 16-19.
I leave you with some pictures from last years ICDB 2005.

This year, Radio Jordan is offering the childern 6 hours. 3 hours between 11-14 through the very famous "LC - Lisener's Choice". and from 16-19.
I leave you with some pictures from last years ICDB 2005.

Terrific Traffic!
over 250 hits up till the moment on the previous couple of POSTSdespite the fact that S E V E R A L sources also talked about the topic... but remember it came from here ... and THIS IS THE source of the short film uploaded on ikbis.
on an update of the whole incident, seems the whole "Democratic Fuss/ A.K.A: HOSHE" was ... and as usual, because of a girl!
Ba3dein ma3 hal gessa!
on an update of the whole incident, seems the whole "Democratic Fuss/ A.K.A: HOSHE" was ... and as usual, because of a girl!
Ba3dein ma3 hal gessa!
11 December, 2006
A Video about Al-Yarmouk's big fight
Since you might have noticed that the photos published on my earlier post simply vanished from their source for a reason or another.
I got my hands on a video registered using a mobile phone for the fight.
ikbis to see!
I also heard that the students were reporting life through Yarmouk FM about the fight!
I got my hands on a video registered using a mobile phone for the fight.
ikbis to see!
I also heard that the students were reporting life through Yarmouk FM about the fight!
10 December, 2006
Al Yarmouk University in DANGER!
Al Yarmouk University, the 2nd oldest university in jordan after UJ, got its third and final alert for the inner decipline situation, making in it in the final stages before being totally closed.
this is due to the fact that Last Thursday, the 7th of December 2006, The Police forces entered the campus because of a range of big fights hitting the campus for several days in a row, and maxemizing last thursday.
and while the Police department confirmed the facts, the University's president denied everything! by saying:
وأكد رئيس الجامعة د. محمد الصباريني لعمان نت أنه لا يوجد أعمال شغب داخل الجامعة، إنما خلاف بين بعض الطلاب أدى إلى تجمهر طلاب الجامعة وأن أحد الشباب المتسببين في الخلاف هو مفصول أكاديميا من الجامعة.
.......Photos anyone?!
the source of the next photos are provided by links from one of the commentators on the AmmanNet page

Via: Radio Amman Net.
Printed Version
Podcast Version
this is due to the fact that Last Thursday, the 7th of December 2006, The Police forces entered the campus because of a range of big fights hitting the campus for several days in a row, and maxemizing last thursday.
and while the Police department confirmed the facts, the University's president denied everything! by saying:
وأكد رئيس الجامعة د. محمد الصباريني لعمان نت أنه لا يوجد أعمال شغب داخل الجامعة، إنما خلاف بين بعض الطلاب أدى إلى تجمهر طلاب الجامعة وأن أحد الشباب المتسببين في الخلاف هو مفصول أكاديميا من الجامعة.
.......Photos anyone?!
the source of the next photos are provided by links from one of the commentators on the AmmanNet page
Via: Radio Amman Net.
Printed Version
Podcast Version
Bine ai Venit Iasule pe strazile noastre :)
So, the name of 2 romanian cities are given to 2 streets in Amman.
The cities: (Iasi "spelled Yash") and (Cluj "Spelled as is") are home towns for 2 of the biggest 4 universities in romania (in addition to Timishoara, and the capital Bucharest).
the naming was based on the fact that a very big number of jordan's finist Engineers,Doctors,and jordanian qualified people graduated from the universities in those 2 cities back in the 80s and 70s.
My both parents did study in Iasi... which is not that far from my romanian home town "Piatra Neamts"...
more in this google earth image:

since the news is still so fresh (I just heard it on the radio), i shall be publishing you some photos from Iasi tomorrow!
and i shall say:
"Bine ai Venit Iasule pe strazile noastre :)"
that is: "Welcome Iash on a street of ours :)"
The cities: (Iasi "spelled Yash") and (Cluj "Spelled as is") are home towns for 2 of the biggest 4 universities in romania (in addition to Timishoara, and the capital Bucharest).
the naming was based on the fact that a very big number of jordan's finist Engineers,Doctors,and jordanian qualified people graduated from the universities in those 2 cities back in the 80s and 70s.
My both parents did study in Iasi... which is not that far from my romanian home town "Piatra Neamts"...
more in this google earth image:

since the news is still so fresh (I just heard it on the radio), i shall be publishing you some photos from Iasi tomorrow!
and i shall say:
"Bine ai Venit Iasule pe strazile noastre :)"
that is: "Welcome Iash on a street of ours :)"
04 December, 2006
Besara7a from Fann FM on the streets of Amman
I'm currently listening to Fann FM's Besara7a with Mohammad Al-Wakeel who is today going around the streets of Amman!
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