27 December, 2007


لأن سرعة سيارة النائب أهم من جرة غازك ....

جرة الغاز اللي ما بتكلف إشي (لا هي و لا الإنترنت) راح تصير فوق الدبل بشوي

من 4.25
إلى 9.90
دينار أردني (جي دي) طبعاً

Linux Installation Festival ... Saturday 29-December-2007

26 December, 2007

النواب يرد قانون السير المؤقت

طبعاً!! ولا كيف هم ما يقدرو يمشو بسرعة 120 كم، أو ولادهم يقطعو إشارة حمرا بميت ليرة

شكلو مجلس واقع من أولها، عجبني كيف حاكيين بالمقال إنو أغلب النواب الجداد قاعدين بتفرجوا!! فرجه مهو إحنا و مشاكلنا

المهم قانون السير لسه قصتوا مطوله مدام رفضوه هيك خبط لزق

كما إجانا من المصدر
لكن المشهد تطور عندما خاض عدد منهم موقفا مناوئا لقانون السير ما ساعد على رده، وهؤلاء بدا انهم متأثرون بمزاج الشارع الرافض للقانون من حيث أنه شديد القسوة في عقوباته وغراماته (المخالفات) وأنه أشبه بقانون ''جباية''

10 December, 2007

The Biggest Xmas tree in Europe

The biggest Xmas tree in europe this year happened to be a romanian one :)
after over a month and a half of hard work, it was upthere, 76 M high, 2 million lights ,,, and loads of other millions around Bucharest made from the romanian capital a European Christmas jewel :)

300 workers, Romanians, Portuguese and Brazilians worked for one month and a half for realizing the biggest Christmas tree in Europe. Having 7th floors, 76 meters height and 300 tones, the huge tree lights up the Unirii Square with its over 2 millions lightings. Christmas_Tree_in_Bucharest.jpg The inauguration of the Christmas tree gathered over 70.000 people in the heart of Bucharest and caused many traffic jams. But the people are proud of having the highest Christmas Tree from Europe in their city.


Here are some photos for the tree, I found them on flickr, Thanks for Ana Maria for uploading them.

More photos from other lights around the city are available here, here, and here.

09 December, 2007

The 1st Romanian Movie Night Festival in Jordan - Event Pictures

Following are some shots made at the 1st Romanian Movie Festival in Jordan, which was held on the 1st of December, 2007. at Al-Balad theater.

The event was under the patronage of Mrs Nancy Bakeer, the Jordanian Minister of Culture, and Mr Radu Onofrei, the Romanian Ambassador in Amman.

His Excellency, the Romanian Ambassador, Radu Onofrei

Part of the audience

Part of the audience

Part of the audience

Al-Balad theater's hall before the event

Al-Balad theater's hall between the two movies

Her Excellency, Mrs Nancy Bakeer, The Jordanian Minister of Culture serving Romanian pastry and sweets.

JRFC's speech

03 December, 2007

His Majesty's Speech from the Throne inaugurating the 15th Parliament.

An interesting speech by his majesty King Abdullah the second, today during the Speech from the Throne inaugurating the 15th Parliament.
Where his majesty criticized the previous governments and parliament saying:

وقد لاحظت في السنوات السابقة أن الحكومة لم تنفذ كل المشروعات والخطط المطلوبة منها، بالرغم من وجود التمويل اللازم لهذه المشروعات. وبالمقابل، كان مجلس النواب يعيق عمل الـحكومة بسبب التأخير في إنجاز القوانين والتشريعات الضرورية لتنفيذ خطط الحكومة ومشروعاتها.

& not to forget the a tip about press freedom:

وقد كفِل الدستور حرية الرأي والتعبير ومن غير المقبول أن يُسجن الصحفي بسبب خلاف في الرأي على قضية عامة

An annoying thing was, that I was listening to the recorded speech around 3 PM yesterday on a certain radio station, only to find out that this radio station had cut off a part of the speech!!! The problem that it was very obvious!!!!