So lets see, seems Christmas is more mature this year on the Jordanian radio sphere.
An amazing touch is on the Jordanian Broadcasting Corporation's Main Arabic service radio, which had a special show on Christmas eve, which was, in my opinion very joyful and professional in setting as a show on a public service radio (where formality is a must after all), the show included both Arabic and English Christmas songs, and included interviews with almost a big variety of people related to this occasion, from Bishops and priest of the most important churches in Jordan, to a Jordanian child who sang Christmas songs, to a lady that sang a prayer on the air as well, to ordinary people from both the Muslim and Christian community in Jordan, or Jordanians from abroad.
Another impressive touch was brought on the air throughout Radio Amman Net. Which, what impressed me most, played a huge variety or ARABIC Christmas songs, from choruses and churches from inside and outside Jordan, including a huge unique collection of Fayrouz Christmas ballades, all with perfect quality (since the Jordanian broadcasting radio played some Fayrouz Christmas songs that had a bad quality). Radio Amman Net had also a big variety of social community shows, as well as competitions with prizes, with a lot of Christmas touch. I did like the fact that radio Amman Net played Arabic Christmas songs. No one did this in town before. All the radio announcers and Djs were into the Christmas mood to the maximum. And they also aired the special Christmas show aired on the Jordanian Main Arabic radio( the one mentioned above) live on the air as well. Radio Amman Net FM was indeed the perfect Arabic Christmas station.
Other Arabic station's (Fann FM, Radio Rotana, Sawt al-Ghad, etc..) Christmassy touch didn't exceed some jingles and some western Christmas songs, and a lot of crazy frog's (Last Christmas), which was a hit during last Christmas! When only Radio Jordan FM used to play it.
Radio Jordan FM, is still the best English speaking Christmas station, with a lot and a lot of jingle bill songs from all times, from the 60s and 70s up to this years special Christmas releases. A fact is that despite this fever started gradually from the beginnings of December, and jammed up more and more during the last week before Christmas, and reached all the different shows, from the crazy morning shows, to the very famous LC- Listener's choice which was FULLED with Christmas stuff last Sunday and Friday, and up to some evening shows, the entire Christmas jams had some holes! For example the Christmas eve evening show didn't really feel like its in Christmas eve!
Play 99.6 had its usual, a lot – of – jingles – style in dealing with Christmas, as well as some Christmas events and competitions here and there ( Play 99.6 already leads the Jordanian radio sphere when it comes to competitions and prizes ... so, thats rather a usual thing). And some Christmas tunes here and there within their variety and shows.
Beat FM had Christmas tunes randomly spread around their usual non-stop music collection.
While Mood FM, had the Christmas tunes more selective and accorded to the station's music style, along with the usual Mood FM Christmas jingles.
No other notable christmasity was available on the radio sphere .... until now at least :P
Technology gets very well along with sociology despite sociologists don't believe in us. I'm here to help my community with my Technology. Life is Object Oriented, so think rational & culture-is-e Your self!
26 December, 2006
18 December, 2006
الملك يأمر بإغلاق فوري لسجن الجفر
عمان - غيث الطراونة - أمر جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني أمس بإغلاق سجن الجفر الصحراوي فورا اعتبارا من اليوم بعد استماعه لتقرير المركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان حول واقع السجون في الأردن وتحويله الى مدرسة ومركز للتدريب المهني لأبناء المنطقة .+More here
17 December, 2006
My ex-Colleague on the edges of StarAc 4
Those photos are featuring yours truly (apparently) along with someone else .... who happened to be Jordan's cadidate to the latest middle eastern Star Academy, Star Academy 4.
Unfortunatelly, Noor Kalouti made it to the last 30 people, but didnt make it in the 19 that were chosen to take part in the show.
and In case you are wondering, yes, you saw her in the 1st row on the 1st prime... but its just that those photos are a lil' bit old.
I want to demonstrate my sadness for the fact that my ex-university colleague and friend, noor, is better than some choosed candidates in StarAc 4. as she can sing, dance and act... and is a fast learner....
that is beside the fact that my relationship raised with this lady while her talents were building, and aims getting higher to be someone in this field.
Hardlack noona my friend .... you will always be our favorite local rocker :)
Never Surrender!
12 December, 2006
Java 1.6 Released

Yes, finally, JDK 6 is out in its final version ... it was released yesterday.
Just installed it myself today... (actually I installed a very early beta release last sprint, it was then similar in performance to JDK 5)
the first impression feedback from developers around is: The JVM is faster ... and much more faster than all Java versions that came out until the moment. that is in addition to tens of new and enhanced APIs...
and by the way, it now can deal smoothly with the .NET stupid webservice without any third part APIs.
on this occasion, Sun seem to have a new website out as well :)
The International Childern's Day of Broadcasting, this Friday on Jordan FM
The same as the past several year, and as published Last year as well the International Childern's Day of Broadcasting 2006 will be this friday the 15th of december on Radio Jordan FM (listern here).
This year, Radio Jordan is offering the childern 6 hours. 3 hours between 11-14 through the very famous "LC - Lisener's Choice". and from 16-19.
I leave you with some pictures from last years ICDB 2005.

This year, Radio Jordan is offering the childern 6 hours. 3 hours between 11-14 through the very famous "LC - Lisener's Choice". and from 16-19.
I leave you with some pictures from last years ICDB 2005.

Terrific Traffic!
over 250 hits up till the moment on the previous couple of POSTSdespite the fact that S E V E R A L sources also talked about the topic... but remember it came from here ... and THIS IS THE source of the short film uploaded on ikbis.
on an update of the whole incident, seems the whole "Democratic Fuss/ A.K.A: HOSHE" was ... and as usual, because of a girl!
Ba3dein ma3 hal gessa!
on an update of the whole incident, seems the whole "Democratic Fuss/ A.K.A: HOSHE" was ... and as usual, because of a girl!
Ba3dein ma3 hal gessa!
11 December, 2006
A Video about Al-Yarmouk's big fight
Since you might have noticed that the photos published on my earlier post simply vanished from their source for a reason or another.
I got my hands on a video registered using a mobile phone for the fight.
ikbis to see!
I also heard that the students were reporting life through Yarmouk FM about the fight!
I got my hands on a video registered using a mobile phone for the fight.
ikbis to see!
I also heard that the students were reporting life through Yarmouk FM about the fight!
10 December, 2006
Al Yarmouk University in DANGER!
Al Yarmouk University, the 2nd oldest university in jordan after UJ, got its third and final alert for the inner decipline situation, making in it in the final stages before being totally closed.
this is due to the fact that Last Thursday, the 7th of December 2006, The Police forces entered the campus because of a range of big fights hitting the campus for several days in a row, and maxemizing last thursday.
and while the Police department confirmed the facts, the University's president denied everything! by saying:
وأكد رئيس الجامعة د. محمد الصباريني لعمان نت أنه لا يوجد أعمال شغب داخل الجامعة، إنما خلاف بين بعض الطلاب أدى إلى تجمهر طلاب الجامعة وأن أحد الشباب المتسببين في الخلاف هو مفصول أكاديميا من الجامعة.
.......Photos anyone?!
the source of the next photos are provided by links from one of the commentators on the AmmanNet page

Via: Radio Amman Net.
Printed Version
Podcast Version
this is due to the fact that Last Thursday, the 7th of December 2006, The Police forces entered the campus because of a range of big fights hitting the campus for several days in a row, and maxemizing last thursday.
and while the Police department confirmed the facts, the University's president denied everything! by saying:
وأكد رئيس الجامعة د. محمد الصباريني لعمان نت أنه لا يوجد أعمال شغب داخل الجامعة، إنما خلاف بين بعض الطلاب أدى إلى تجمهر طلاب الجامعة وأن أحد الشباب المتسببين في الخلاف هو مفصول أكاديميا من الجامعة.
.......Photos anyone?!
the source of the next photos are provided by links from one of the commentators on the AmmanNet page
Via: Radio Amman Net.
Printed Version
Podcast Version
Bine ai Venit Iasule pe strazile noastre :)
So, the name of 2 romanian cities are given to 2 streets in Amman.
The cities: (Iasi "spelled Yash") and (Cluj "Spelled as is") are home towns for 2 of the biggest 4 universities in romania (in addition to Timishoara, and the capital Bucharest).
the naming was based on the fact that a very big number of jordan's finist Engineers,Doctors,and jordanian qualified people graduated from the universities in those 2 cities back in the 80s and 70s.
My both parents did study in Iasi... which is not that far from my romanian home town "Piatra Neamts"...
more in this google earth image:

since the news is still so fresh (I just heard it on the radio), i shall be publishing you some photos from Iasi tomorrow!
and i shall say:
"Bine ai Venit Iasule pe strazile noastre :)"
that is: "Welcome Iash on a street of ours :)"
The cities: (Iasi "spelled Yash") and (Cluj "Spelled as is") are home towns for 2 of the biggest 4 universities in romania (in addition to Timishoara, and the capital Bucharest).
the naming was based on the fact that a very big number of jordan's finist Engineers,Doctors,and jordanian qualified people graduated from the universities in those 2 cities back in the 80s and 70s.
My both parents did study in Iasi... which is not that far from my romanian home town "Piatra Neamts"...
more in this google earth image:

since the news is still so fresh (I just heard it on the radio), i shall be publishing you some photos from Iasi tomorrow!
and i shall say:
"Bine ai Venit Iasule pe strazile noastre :)"
that is: "Welcome Iash on a street of ours :)"
04 December, 2006
Besara7a from Fann FM on the streets of Amman
I'm currently listening to Fann FM's Besara7a with Mohammad Al-Wakeel who is today going around the streets of Amman!
29 November, 2006
ikbis for my last days at university...
I do really miss those days..!
By: nasimjo
Tech Dept: nasimjo
Staring: 3abdelghaffar
takdeem : 6ab3an 3abdelghaffar
& yes, finally i have a video and photo share account :)
By: nasimjo
Tech Dept: nasimjo
Staring: 3abdelghaffar
takdeem : 6ab3an 3abdelghaffar
& yes, finally i have a video and photo share account :)
22 November, 2006
The best Jordanian Radio broadcasting over the internet
As my office was moved inside the company I work in, I sadly receive NO RADIO Transmission in this new place :(
Hint Hint, Internet broadcasting.
Result, and very unlike Play FM's claim about their broadcasting being (As they claim with their 32K streaming) the one with the best quality in jordan. Fann FM was found to be broadcasting with a bit rate of 128k CD-Quality online broadcasting!
Sounds wonderful!
The last time I tuned to Fann FM online was when their online broadcasting was still 24K.
PS: you DO really need a powerful leased line for such streaming :/
Hint Hint, Internet broadcasting.
Result, and very unlike Play FM's claim about their broadcasting being (As they claim with their 32K streaming) the one with the best quality in jordan. Fann FM was found to be broadcasting with a bit rate of 128k CD-Quality online broadcasting!
Sounds wonderful!
The last time I tuned to Fann FM online was when their online broadcasting was still 24K.
PS: you DO really need a powerful leased line for such streaming :/
20 November, 2006
You Attract Geeks!
and what so funny about it! there are no Geeky girls in Jordan :(
Jad, me and you ... out of here!
I less attract models apparently,,,, and if u ask me about today's models on the jordanian streets, they all look the same damn it!
Jad, me and you ... out of here!
I less attract models apparently,,,, and if u ask me about today's models on the jordanian streets, they all look the same damn it!
What type of person do you attract? Your Result: You attract geeks! Your stunning intellect and love of sci-fi and video games allures the geeks like nothing else. Maybe it is the sparkle in your eye that makes them want to text you, who knows. Geeks make good partners, but tend to be arguementative. If you are a TRUE geek magnet, you will know if that was spelled correctly, and actually care. If it is a bad-boy/bad-girl you are seeking, you are barking up the wrong tree, unless they are just 'bad' behind a PS2 console. | |
You attract artsy people! | |
You attract unstable people! | |
You attract Yuppies! | |
You attract rednecks! | |
You attract models! | |
What type of person do you attract? Quizzes for MySpace |
16 November, 2006
Radio Guide Update: Sawt Ma'an on 90.3 FM
Sniffing around at Amarc yesterday, I came over someone from Sawt Ma'an.
According to Mr Basheer Kreishan, The station officially started its test transmission on 90.3 FM in the area of Ma'an and King Hussein University, and is to debute by the beginning of the next month.
According to Mr Basheer Kreishan, The station officially started its test transmission on 90.3 FM in the area of Ma'an and King Hussein University, and is to debute by the beginning of the next month.
14 November, 2006
07 November, 2006
Mourning our innocents....
As we are approaching the 1st anniversary of the Amman incidents of November the 9th, I turned my blog in to black, mourning our innocents, and sending a message of solidarity to each and every Jordanian that had suffered from those incidents.
May God Bless You all.
May God Bless You all.
01 November, 2006
Group "Sex Harassment" on Cairo's Streets
Now you dont tell me no more about The elite Arabic and islamic culture. and about الغرب الفاسق
This NEVER happened in any country in the world during the history of nation.
100s of Boys undressing women on the streets!
Happened IN CAIRO!
and the egyptian government, and its security forces totally out of the seen.
actually No SINGLE ISLAMIC ORGANIZATION cared about it! nor in egypt, nor outside it, nor those noisy islamics in the parlament.
الخبر عند صحابه ....
Update: New Video available HERE (PICTURES INCLUDED)
This NEVER happened in any country in the world during the history of nation.
100s of Boys undressing women on the streets!
Happened IN CAIRO!
and the egyptian government, and its security forces totally out of the seen.
actually No SINGLE ISLAMIC ORGANIZATION cared about it! nor in egypt, nor outside it, nor those noisy islamics in the parlament.
الخبر عند صحابه ....
Update: New Video available HERE (PICTURES INCLUDED)
30 October, 2006
Fastlink's professional Naming convention :)
I got this visit at this blog at 17:25:34 today. it seems from a Fastlink GPRS user.
here are information attached to the visitor (Watch out for the naming convention in the ISP name :)
IP Address:
Country: Jordan
Region: -
City: -
ISP: This Network Will Be For Fastlink Infrastucture And Gprs Users
Returning Visits: 1
Visit Length: 20 seconds
Past Think, ha :)
here are information attached to the visitor (Watch out for the naming convention in the ISP name :)
IP Address:
Country: Jordan
Region: -
City: -
ISP: This Network Will Be For Fastlink Infrastucture And Gprs Users
Returning Visits: 1
Visit Length: 20 seconds
Past Think, ha :)
The Biggest Audio Media Event Jordan ever had, AMARC 9
As you might have read earlier this year here and here
... The 9th World Conference and General Assembly of AMARC by the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) is being held this month in Amman between the 11th and 17th of novermeber at the Belle Vue Hotel at the 2nd circle.
Radio Amman Net will be hosting the international event bringing up to 300-400 community broadcasters from more than 110 countries and all regions of the world.
The ninth gathering of community radio broadcasters will take a week and consist first of all in a world conference that will allow participants to analyze and explore the challenges facing community radios.
several workshops will be held during AMARAC 9, ranging from technical Wireless networking & FM broadcasting, up to Audio Media production.
29 October, 2006
Dear Licensed Microsoft Windows user, thanks for being a FOOL! (Part #2)
After the big stories of failure success in part 1, my licensed microsoft Windows Home XP is back with another bug, this time in relation to opening the contents of a 2.0 USB flash memory.
So you plug it, as you do always, its light goes on, and you open "My Computer" in order to "explore" its contents .....
What ..... Hello!!! any body there, refresh once, refresh twice, nothing!
when putting the path in the address bar, BUNGGG! what! not found! ouuuuhhhh!
opening the DOS prompt (or the command prompt application as microsoft likes to called) ... holly Falafel its there!

and in this picture you can see how does "My Computer" looks like...

So, whats next then! opening any non microsoft application, Open Office or Acrobat Reader for example, File->Open ..... AND ITS THERE!

So you plug it, as you do always, its light goes on, and you open "My Computer" in order to "explore" its contents .....
What ..... Hello!!! any body there, refresh once, refresh twice, nothing!
when putting the path in the address bar, BUNGGG! what! not found! ouuuuhhhh!
opening the DOS prompt (or the command prompt application as microsoft likes to called) ... holly Falafel its there!

and in this picture you can see how does "My Computer" looks like...

So, whats next then! opening any non microsoft application, Open Office or Acrobat Reader for example, File->Open ..... AND ITS THERE!

22 October, 2006
Radio Guide Update: a New station on 91.1 FM
a new station is broadcasting in the greater Amman Area on 91.1 FM, the station currently plays non stop hits, mainly arabic, with some promos related to "Melody Music"... which might be a sign for the owners of the radio station!
special thanks for Mr Majdy MK Jaradat for bringing this station to my attention.
Update: The station also transmits on 105.5 FM for an area outside Amman, I think it is Zarqa, but no test cases are confirmed yet regarding its coverage.
Update 2: The station's name is officially declared, Melody FM
special thanks for Mr Majdy MK Jaradat for bringing this station to my attention.
Update: The station also transmits on 105.5 FM for an area outside Amman, I think it is Zarqa, but no test cases are confirmed yet regarding its coverage.
Update 2: The station's name is officially declared, Melody FM
Radio Guide Update: WATAN FM
The station powered by Al-rawa’e Media that got a license to transmit on 100.3 FM in Amman and 92.7 FM in irbid finally unveiled its name.
The station is entitled WATAN FM.
And it will be an Arabic spoken radio station that will include both: entertainment as well as news and political shows.
The station is entitled WATAN FM.
And it will be an Arabic spoken radio station that will include both: entertainment as well as news and political shows.
16 October, 2006
لا تووت و لا بلووط .. هنا الحقيقة!

الوثيقة أعلاه هي عبارة عن طلب انتساب قدم من الرفيق نسيم الأردن بخصوص أضافته الى الأغريغيتر التووتي أربعة أيام قبل البدأ بالتووت.
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لاحظوا ثبوت وجود الواسطة الثقيلة من نوعها و المتمثلة بالمدير العام للشركة المالكة و شاهدان بالغان عاقلان (أو ما يعوظ عنهما فيرتشوالي) و طابع الصادرات من هيئة تشجيع الأستثمار. ذلك بالأضافة الى دفع كافة رسوم الأشتراك و رسوم التأمين المتمثلة ببوسه غير مستردة.
كما لاحظوا ان المعاملة سارت بالطريق القانوني عبر جسر الداخلية باتجاه العبدلي جنوب شرق, و حصولها على ختم المسلخ الأصلي ثلاثي الأبعاد.....
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
و ما أن منحت هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات رخصة أغريغتر جديدة بسعر قرطة أردنية كاملة فقط لا غير, حصلت عليها "آي بلووط" و المملوكة بالكامل من قبل (شركة طلاب فن عمان الأهلية الكوايتة سابقا بلا زغره)... آلا بنا و نسمع أن "آي بلووط" تم شراءها من قبل ائتلاف شركات التووت الأردنية المساهمة العامة المحدودة بمبلغ يفوق الثلاثة و ستون قرشا و نصف في صدمة لم يشهدها القطاع من قبل.
و نحن و من علا هذا المنبر الحر نطالب هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات إبطال الصفقة الجائرة و إعادة ماء الوجه للسوق, رخصة بتنشرى ب قرشين و نص و بتنباع بستة و ثلاثين قرش و نص, الشعب البلوطي وين! و نطالب بمحاسبة من تسول له نفسه بزعزة الأمن البلوغرجاوي بيد من بروكسي الجامعة الهاشمية الحديدي.
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لا تووت و لا بلووط ... وعاش كوكب الأردن سالما في ظل أبو حسين الله يطوللنا بعمره.
قال ما فيش حرية قال! منييح اللي ما عرفتوا تشاوشيسكو (هاظ رئيس رومانيا أيام الشيوعية و أنا عايشتوا بما أنو فيي عرق روماني).
ملاحظة: مطلوب شريكه استراتيجية للبلوج بداعي الترافيك اللي مش و لا بد.
ملاحظة: يوجد لدينا دي في دي روم ماركة إل جي مستعمل على الفحص الكامل, للجادين فقط ... والله ما بمزح.
إعلان: مطلوب شقة للشراء أو الأجار في العاصمة عمان بمساحة تتراوح بين 110-130 متر فقط لا غير لعائلة تتكون من 3 اشخاص (أنا و أمي و أبوي).... مشان الله صاللي 4 شهور بدور.
جميع المواقف و المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه واقعية و حقيقية.
معلومة مهمة: تم في الثاني و العشرين من أكتوبر 2008 قبولي في تووت و بنفس المعاملة أعلاه و بدون واسطات زيادة.. و عقبالكم
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لاحظوا ثبوت وجود الواسطة الثقيلة من نوعها و المتمثلة بالمدير العام للشركة المالكة و شاهدان بالغان عاقلان (أو ما يعوظ عنهما فيرتشوالي) و طابع الصادرات من هيئة تشجيع الأستثمار. ذلك بالأضافة الى دفع كافة رسوم الأشتراك و رسوم التأمين المتمثلة ببوسه غير مستردة.
كما لاحظوا ان المعاملة سارت بالطريق القانوني عبر جسر الداخلية باتجاه العبدلي جنوب شرق, و حصولها على ختم المسلخ الأصلي ثلاثي الأبعاد.....
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
و ما أن منحت هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات رخصة أغريغتر جديدة بسعر قرطة أردنية كاملة فقط لا غير, حصلت عليها "آي بلووط" و المملوكة بالكامل من قبل (شركة طلاب فن عمان الأهلية الكوايتة سابقا بلا زغره)... آلا بنا و نسمع أن "آي بلووط" تم شراءها من قبل ائتلاف شركات التووت الأردنية المساهمة العامة المحدودة بمبلغ يفوق الثلاثة و ستون قرشا و نصف في صدمة لم يشهدها القطاع من قبل.
و نحن و من علا هذا المنبر الحر نطالب هيئة تنظيم قطاع المدونات إبطال الصفقة الجائرة و إعادة ماء الوجه للسوق, رخصة بتنشرى ب قرشين و نص و بتنباع بستة و ثلاثين قرش و نص, الشعب البلوطي وين! و نطالب بمحاسبة من تسول له نفسه بزعزة الأمن البلوغرجاوي بيد من بروكسي الجامعة الهاشمية الحديدي.
و هاظ يوم و هاظاك يوم و عتبكوا عاللي شاف نسيم بتووت.
لا تووت و لا بلووط ... وعاش كوكب الأردن سالما في ظل أبو حسين الله يطوللنا بعمره.
قال ما فيش حرية قال! منييح اللي ما عرفتوا تشاوشيسكو (هاظ رئيس رومانيا أيام الشيوعية و أنا عايشتوا بما أنو فيي عرق روماني).
ملاحظة: مطلوب شريكه استراتيجية للبلوج بداعي الترافيك اللي مش و لا بد.
ملاحظة: يوجد لدينا دي في دي روم ماركة إل جي مستعمل على الفحص الكامل, للجادين فقط ... والله ما بمزح.
إعلان: مطلوب شقة للشراء أو الأجار في العاصمة عمان بمساحة تتراوح بين 110-130 متر فقط لا غير لعائلة تتكون من 3 اشخاص (أنا و أمي و أبوي).... مشان الله صاللي 4 شهور بدور.
جميع المواقف و المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه واقعية و حقيقية.
معلومة مهمة: تم في الثاني و العشرين من أكتوبر 2008 قبولي في تووت و بنفس المعاملة أعلاه و بدون واسطات زيادة.. و عقبالكم
09 October, 2006
دائرة الأرصاد الجوية تأكد هبوب أرياح شمالية جنوبية

أكدت مصادر مطلعة على موقع دائرة الأرصاد الجوية على جهاز الأنترنت هبوب أرياح شمالية جنوبية يوم الأربعاء القادم.
وعقبال الأنخفاظ المرتفع في درجات الحرارة
More Related [HERE]
08 October, 2006, this Thursday, on Jordan FM!
After their big success online, in the written media on last month's JO magazine, will be officially going on the airwaves!'s Zeid Kodosi and Sabri Hakim will be featured on the Thursday Evening Show, with Dj Mike on Radio Jordan FM, THIS THURSDAY, 4 hours of talasim from talasim exclusively on the airwaves of Jordan FM.
Tune in this Thursday, the 12th of October, 2006 between 8 PM and midnight on your nearest Radio Jordan FM frequency.
Inside Jordan:
96.3 FM: in Amman Greater Area, Salt, Madaba, Zarqa, Mafraq, Karak, Al tafila, Sahab, Mouaggar, Al-Dlail, Al-Sultani, Mo2tah, Al-Hasa, Al F7eis, Al Jizah, Na3our, Swaga, Al Shouna Al Janoubie, Ghour Al-Safi, Swaimeh, Al-Maghtas, Al Bag3a, Jarash, Sakib, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Borma, Al majdal, Al Jazzazeh, 3leimoun, Northern Wadi Araba, plus the first 140 KMs on the Desert Highway, and all the road between Amman and the syrian borders (Jaber).
90.9 FM: in Ajloun, Jerash, Irbid, Sakib, 3ebbein, 3bbellein, Al hoson, Al Ramtha, Um Qais, Bani Kinana, Al Mazar Al-Shamali, Deir 3alla, Al Shouna Al-Shamalie, Kofranja, Anjara, Abu 3obaida, Al Majdal, Borma, Souf, Da7al, Thaghret 3asfour, Balila, Al N3eimeh, Hakama, Beit Ras, 7ouara, R7ab, Jaba, Al Mas6aba, Al Bag3a, Moubis, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Kherbet Al Wahadne, Sakhra, KoforKhall, Qafqafa, 3ein Al Basha, Safou6, Abu Nsaier, Jdetta, Al koura, Eshtafeina, plus all the road between Amman and Irbid, the road between Irbid and Ajloun, and the road between Jerash and Ajloun.
99.7 FM: in Aqaba, Meina2 Al 3agaba, Magas Al 3agaba, The phero's Island, Ga6ar, Southern Wadi Araba, and Al Dorra.
Outside Jordan:
96.3 FM: Jerusalem (Palestine), Jerico (Palestine), Ramallah (Palestine), Al Soueidah (Syria).
90.9 FM: Der3a (Syria), Al Soueidah (Syria), Southern Lebanon, Southern Beqa3 Valley (Lebanon), southern Syria, Nablus (Palestine), The northern Jordan Valley (The occupied territories), the mount of Galilee (The Occupied territories), and Southern Cyprus.
99.7 FM: Elat (The occupied territories), Taba (Egypt), Nouebe3 (Egypt), Sharm Al Sheikh (Egypt), and the most north western parts of Saudi Arabia. : Were internet is in STEREO :)'s Zeid Kodosi and Sabri Hakim will be featured on the Thursday Evening Show, with Dj Mike on Radio Jordan FM, THIS THURSDAY, 4 hours of talasim from talasim exclusively on the airwaves of Jordan FM.
Tune in this Thursday, the 12th of October, 2006 between 8 PM and midnight on your nearest Radio Jordan FM frequency.
Inside Jordan:
96.3 FM: in Amman Greater Area, Salt, Madaba, Zarqa, Mafraq, Karak, Al tafila, Sahab, Mouaggar, Al-Dlail, Al-Sultani, Mo2tah, Al-Hasa, Al F7eis, Al Jizah, Na3our, Swaga, Al Shouna Al Janoubie, Ghour Al-Safi, Swaimeh, Al-Maghtas, Al Bag3a, Jarash, Sakib, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Borma, Al majdal, Al Jazzazeh, 3leimoun, Northern Wadi Araba, plus the first 140 KMs on the Desert Highway, and all the road between Amman and the syrian borders (Jaber).
90.9 FM: in Ajloun, Jerash, Irbid, Sakib, 3ebbein, 3bbellein, Al hoson, Al Ramtha, Um Qais, Bani Kinana, Al Mazar Al-Shamali, Deir 3alla, Al Shouna Al-Shamalie, Kofranja, Anjara, Abu 3obaida, Al Majdal, Borma, Souf, Da7al, Thaghret 3asfour, Balila, Al N3eimeh, Hakama, Beit Ras, 7ouara, R7ab, Jaba, Al Mas6aba, Al Bag3a, Moubis, Reimoun, Al Ketteh, Debbein, Kherbet Al Wahadne, Sakhra, KoforKhall, Qafqafa, 3ein Al Basha, Safou6, Abu Nsaier, Jdetta, Al koura, Eshtafeina, plus all the road between Amman and Irbid, the road between Irbid and Ajloun, and the road between Jerash and Ajloun.
99.7 FM: in Aqaba, Meina2 Al 3agaba, Magas Al 3agaba, The phero's Island, Ga6ar, Southern Wadi Araba, and Al Dorra.
Outside Jordan:
96.3 FM: Jerusalem (Palestine), Jerico (Palestine), Ramallah (Palestine), Al Soueidah (Syria).
90.9 FM: Der3a (Syria), Al Soueidah (Syria), Southern Lebanon, Southern Beqa3 Valley (Lebanon), southern Syria, Nablus (Palestine), The northern Jordan Valley (The occupied territories), the mount of Galilee (The Occupied territories), and Southern Cyprus.
99.7 FM: Elat (The occupied territories), Taba (Egypt), Nouebe3 (Egypt), Sharm Al Sheikh (Egypt), and the most north western parts of Saudi Arabia. : Were internet is in STEREO :)
Watch your favorite ramadan shows on Mazaj FM!
Apparently, Mazaj FM, which have recently started a big series of shows on its airwaves, after quite a long period of pure “silence”, or at least this is what i like to call the radio stations that play non stop music all day and night long without any scope or creativity in adding a value for their listeners over an mp3 player. Mazaj FM have recently started broadcasting its radio shows online through their website, as live video streaming too! Where you can see the radio announcer during the show being aired at the moment.
Creative idea, and a first of a kind on the Jordanian airwaves.
I know you are good guys from Abu Lughod family powering Mazaj FM, but personally, I do expect even more from you! What took you so long!
Creative idea, and a first of a kind on the Jordanian airwaves.
I know you are good guys from Abu Lughod family powering Mazaj FM, but personally, I do expect even more from you! What took you so long!
A change in a “Mood” ..... FM!
Did anyone figure out some changes in the music being played on mood FM?! I've noticed that they are recently starting to play some new songs, that , in my opinion, somehow do not go with the flow of the music they usually play, not only this, but this behavior is getting more and more obvious, with several songs back to back! And sometimes with redundancy!
As a listener that wants to turn the radio to Mood FM, having enough of Play, Beat, and most of Jordan FM's redundant junk stuff. I'd be switch to Mood FM in order to have some quality music, goldies, moody, or 70s & 80s disco hits.... but since a while back now i started to hear: Rihanna with “unfaithful” (WHAT! YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, even here), Craig David with “whats your flavor”, Modjo with “Lady” (Though i do believe this will gonna be very suitable to be played on mood, until then i should get married and have a couple of kids), and way much more of mark Anthony than they used to play!
I'm not against Mood playing new stuff, but those should be carefully selected! For example, and since they do have a specialization show for Jazz music, they can play some stuff from Diana Krall's latest album (which no station in town played any track of it, except for a single DJ on Radio Jordan FM, and not to be really noticed on the air), some of you might say that Rihanna's “Unfaithful” for example is somehow suitable to be played on mood, but, lets remember that Rihanna is an R'n'B singer that has nothing to do with any of the styles being played on Mood FM, having a single track released as an imitation wont ever make rihanna suitable to be played on mood FM, not even to be played once in a week, so how about 3-4 times a day!!!!
Of course, Diana Krall and Rihanna were just two examples to give.
Something is to be done regarding this! I do not by any mean accept such a change in a station that I used to give my trust in those sleepless nights full of work that I used to have, where I used to tune in from midnight till the next morning while working non stop, with each and every moment more and more enjoyable with the fine selection of music being played on Mood.
As a listener that wants to turn the radio to Mood FM, having enough of Play, Beat, and most of Jordan FM's redundant junk stuff. I'd be switch to Mood FM in order to have some quality music, goldies, moody, or 70s & 80s disco hits.... but since a while back now i started to hear: Rihanna with “unfaithful” (WHAT! YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, even here), Craig David with “whats your flavor”, Modjo with “Lady” (Though i do believe this will gonna be very suitable to be played on mood, until then i should get married and have a couple of kids), and way much more of mark Anthony than they used to play!
I'm not against Mood playing new stuff, but those should be carefully selected! For example, and since they do have a specialization show for Jazz music, they can play some stuff from Diana Krall's latest album (which no station in town played any track of it, except for a single DJ on Radio Jordan FM, and not to be really noticed on the air), some of you might say that Rihanna's “Unfaithful” for example is somehow suitable to be played on mood, but, lets remember that Rihanna is an R'n'B singer that has nothing to do with any of the styles being played on Mood FM, having a single track released as an imitation wont ever make rihanna suitable to be played on mood FM, not even to be played once in a week, so how about 3-4 times a day!!!!
Of course, Diana Krall and Rihanna were just two examples to give.
Something is to be done regarding this! I do not by any mean accept such a change in a station that I used to give my trust in those sleepless nights full of work that I used to have, where I used to tune in from midnight till the next morning while working non stop, with each and every moment more and more enjoyable with the fine selection of music being played on Mood.
An ex-colleague I've dreamed of!
The other night I had a dream, where one of my university colleagues had appeared.
This ex-colleague that goes by the name of Dina, is a person that used to study a major other than mine, but we accidentally took 3 courses together, starting with an english course in the 1st year, to a sociology course, and later a Human Civilizations course. And mainly our relation was sort of official, “too official” sometimes maybe, and it didn't exceed the limits of ( Hey, how is it going, how are your marks for the past semester, merry xmas, have a nice day, don't you feel cold, its raining cats and dogs outside) ... and so of such formal passing question each and every time we happened to see each other around and about. While in lectures, which were quite discussion-based lectures, we both always had close political and sociological thoughts and ideologies, and we both covered each other's opinions several times against other students opposed thoughts and attacks, without even arranging it.
But, the other day when i woke up after seeing her in a dream (though she wasn't the scope of the dream, she was just a person that appeared among the tens of people that i saw then), i said to my self: “Why hadn't our relation been closer than that?! I personally was found of her thoughts and strong personality in comparison with the majority silent females caring about nothing but silly stuff!” ....
“Wasn't it healthier if we would have known each other better?!”
“Wasn't it better if we would had a mean of communication between us in order to keep in touch and ask for each other's help when we would have needed it!”
Sigh! Wasn't knowing such a person in a better way better than more of the junk people i got to know in this university life!
Questions, where answers do not really worth to be answered now! All i can do now is to open the year book, see that person's picture and say: “wasn't she the one i saw in that dream the other night!?”
This ex-colleague that goes by the name of Dina, is a person that used to study a major other than mine, but we accidentally took 3 courses together, starting with an english course in the 1st year, to a sociology course, and later a Human Civilizations course. And mainly our relation was sort of official, “too official” sometimes maybe, and it didn't exceed the limits of ( Hey, how is it going, how are your marks for the past semester, merry xmas, have a nice day, don't you feel cold, its raining cats and dogs outside) ... and so of such formal passing question each and every time we happened to see each other around and about. While in lectures, which were quite discussion-based lectures, we both always had close political and sociological thoughts and ideologies, and we both covered each other's opinions several times against other students opposed thoughts and attacks, without even arranging it.
But, the other day when i woke up after seeing her in a dream (though she wasn't the scope of the dream, she was just a person that appeared among the tens of people that i saw then), i said to my self: “Why hadn't our relation been closer than that?! I personally was found of her thoughts and strong personality in comparison with the majority silent females caring about nothing but silly stuff!” ....
“Wasn't it healthier if we would have known each other better?!”
“Wasn't it better if we would had a mean of communication between us in order to keep in touch and ask for each other's help when we would have needed it!”
Sigh! Wasn't knowing such a person in a better way better than more of the junk people i got to know in this university life!
Questions, where answers do not really worth to be answered now! All i can do now is to open the year book, see that person's picture and say: “wasn't she the one i saw in that dream the other night!?”
01 October, 2006
Radio Guide Update: a New station on 100.3 FM
A New station is due to start on 100.3 FM, broadcasting in the greater amman area,
The station which started test transmission on this frequency, and whose name is undeclared yet, belongs to Alrawa’e (AL RAWA2E3) media, and will be broadcasting gin Irbid area as well on 100.7 FM (Update: Changed to 92.7 FM).
Stay tuned for more update :)
Update HERE
The station which started test transmission on this frequency, and whose name is undeclared yet, belongs to Alrawa’e (AL RAWA2E3) media, and will be broadcasting gin Irbid area as well on 100.7 FM (Update: Changed to 92.7 FM).
Stay tuned for more update :)
Update HERE
Radio Guide Update: Yarmouk FM on 105.7
Yarmouk FM, Al Yarmouk’s University’s Radio Station is finally ON!
Yarmouk FM is debuting on the airwaves of Irbid area TODAY, the 1st of October 2006 on 105.7 FM
Yarmouk FM is debuting on the airwaves of Irbid area TODAY, the 1st of October 2006 on 105.7 FM
24 September, 2006
Last Thursday...
Last Thursday...
Hearing churches' bills tolling for a wedding at sunset in webdeh,
Meeting my best friend for the 1st time in 2 months, with 4 years of nice memories passing in my head in the moments we were approaching each other smiling,
Hearing the sounds of Athan for the evening prayers and its echoes in a moment of absolute silence,
all those made me think .... deep, very deep...
“Thinking” liquefies some tears in the eye,
“Thinking” awakens a karma in the spirit,
“Thinking” strengthens your belief,
“Thinking” sharps the quality of your life, and your vision in it.
I do really need such Thursdays! Because I “Think”!
Hearing churches' bills tolling for a wedding at sunset in webdeh,
Meeting my best friend for the 1st time in 2 months, with 4 years of nice memories passing in my head in the moments we were approaching each other smiling,
Hearing the sounds of Athan for the evening prayers and its echoes in a moment of absolute silence,
all those made me think .... deep, very deep...
“Thinking” liquefies some tears in the eye,
“Thinking” awakens a karma in the spirit,
“Thinking” strengthens your belief,
“Thinking” sharps the quality of your life, and your vision in it.
I do really need such Thursdays! Because I “Think”!
21 September, 2006
Amy Lee telling us about "The Open Door" meanings
Look what I found on VH1 via a fan blog out there! amy lee telling us about the meanings of the tracks in “The Open Door”
"I couldn't have written this album four years ago," admits Amy Lee, as she takes a breather from recording at,107964%29. "I couldn't have played it four years ago. I've grown a lot as a musician and a singer. I'm challenging myself a lot more."
"Sweet Sacrifice"
The dynamic opener, all chugging riffs and vocal arabesques. Evanescence is back.
It's the one song on The Open Door that's about the same abusive relationship which was the source of all the songs on Fallen. It was appropriate to put this song at the beginning, but it comes from a much stronger standpoint than Fallen. It's not saying, "I'm trapped in fear and somebody save me." It's saying, "Fear is only in our minds ... I'm not afraid anymore."
"Call Me When You're Sober"
Lee plays the woman scorned. Key lyric: "Must be exhausting to lose your own game."
It's very obvious who it's about. I know that people would read between the lines and think it's about my ex-boyfriend Shaun Morgan [of Seether], but I wanted to be completely clear. I needed so bad to say exactly what I was feeling for so long. Music is therapy for me. It's my outlet for every negative thing I've ever been through. It lets me turn something bad into something beautiful.
"Weight of the World"
A relentless rocker with Eastern motifs and distorted vocals.
I live for the rock songs. With the line-up changing, I think a lot of people thought it would be more of the "My Immortal" stuff. But "My Immortal" was Ben [Moody]'s song! I was always trying to pull us in a crazier direction. Songs like "Weight of the World" and "Sweet Sacrifice" and "All That I'm Living For" are so amazing to me because of the adrenaline. Especially when we play them live.
"Don't want to forget the fear of lithium." One of several songs Lee sings in a lower register.
I wrote the chorus on the guitar when I was about 16. I always thought it was a cool chorus, but I never used it for anything. I started playing it on the piano and the verses came out. I have a pile of pieces stowed away in my mind that maybe I'll use some day. In a way it's an old song, but not really. It grew up.
"Cloud Nine"
A vocal tour de force, using strings, studio effects and Lee's own layered moaning.
It's about breaking up. There are a lot of relationship struggles on the record. I always write about what I was feeling, because then it's genuine. I was struggling with a relationship and felt like a waste of space. The first lyric says it all, "If you want to live, let live/ If you want to go, let go/ What are we doing here?/ Because I can live without you."
"Snow White Queen"
Industrial beats usher in one of Lee's most powerful vocal performances.
I went through some weird experiences with stalkers. It's weird how it works. My lyrics are so intimate that people feel like they really know me, and I don't know them at all. My privacy had been completely invaded and there were a couple of nights where I couldn't stay at my house. So I wrote a song about it through the eyes of the stalker, and with my perspective, too.
It means "related to sadness." Which becomes obvious when you hear it.
I saw Amadeus when I was nine years old and fell in love with Mozart. The part of Mozart's Requiem called "Lacrymosa" is my favorite piece of music ever. I always wished we could cover it, but with programming and guitars and make it cool. It's our moment to try all the things I wanted to and couldn't, so I started messing with it in Protools. Terry wrote some riffs and turned it into this awesome metal epic.
"Like You"
Tense, mournful ... and the closest The Open Door gets to Fallen's world-beating ballads.
"Like You" is maybe the most intimate song on the record. It was about losing my little sister when I was a child. On the last record, I wrote "Hello" about her. "Like You" is her place on this record.
"Lose Control"
"You don't remember my name, I don't really care." The anger's in the music.
Terry uses a lot of delay and noises. His guitar playing is really creepy! He also uses a lot of half-step two chords, which I love. I felt like I wasn't really allowed to use stuff like that before, because Ben didn't like it. But songs like "Lose Control" go from C to a C sharp, back and forth. I love those. It's that Portishead influence.
"The Only One"
Like Sarah McLachlan if she was singing in the ninth circle of hell.
The song is about some of my experiences as a teenager with close-mindedness. I thought the people around me seemed lost in a world that I really didn't belong in. It's kind of spiritual. We originally called the track "Tuna Afternoon," because I made tuna noodle casserole that day. We still call the song "Tuna Afternoon." Sometimes it's hard to get past that working title.
"Your Star"
The jet-propelled coda was inspired by Terry Balsamo's Pantera fixation.
A couple of years ago, I felt so alone that I was dreading going on tour. We had just arrived in Lisbon and I was in my room feeling jet-lagged, weird and tired. I had just been home where I could see the stars at night. But when I looked out the hotel window in Lisbon, I couldn't see anything because we were in this big city. That was the last straw. I felt so depressed, I just started singing this song.
"All That I'm Living For"
An opening salvo of guitars keeps up the momentum, in spite of Lee's delicate delivery.
I love that song. It feels really different for us. The lyrics are about my writing process-how I put the song together, why I do it, and how I'm trying to fix all the things that are wrong with me through music. The first line says, "Save me from the night again/ I can feel the separation from the living." It's always night time when I start writing, just as the dusk is setting.
"Good Enough"
I'm okay, you're okay. All pianos and gentle vocals, ending the album on a hopeful note.
I had gone through a lot of difficult things during the writing of the whole album, and by the end of it, I had stepped away from those bad situations. That's really hard. You have to be really brave and strong about it. After doing that, I felt so amazing. For the first time I felt like I could write a song based on how good I felt. I have never done that before ever.
Source: VH1, via Evanescence The Open Door Blog
"I couldn't have written this album four years ago," admits Amy Lee, as she takes a breather from recording at,107964%29. "I couldn't have played it four years ago. I've grown a lot as a musician and a singer. I'm challenging myself a lot more."
"Sweet Sacrifice"
The dynamic opener, all chugging riffs and vocal arabesques. Evanescence is back.
It's the one song on The Open Door that's about the same abusive relationship which was the source of all the songs on Fallen. It was appropriate to put this song at the beginning, but it comes from a much stronger standpoint than Fallen. It's not saying, "I'm trapped in fear and somebody save me." It's saying, "Fear is only in our minds ... I'm not afraid anymore."
"Call Me When You're Sober"
Lee plays the woman scorned. Key lyric: "Must be exhausting to lose your own game."
It's very obvious who it's about. I know that people would read between the lines and think it's about my ex-boyfriend Shaun Morgan [of Seether], but I wanted to be completely clear. I needed so bad to say exactly what I was feeling for so long. Music is therapy for me. It's my outlet for every negative thing I've ever been through. It lets me turn something bad into something beautiful.
"Weight of the World"
A relentless rocker with Eastern motifs and distorted vocals.
I live for the rock songs. With the line-up changing, I think a lot of people thought it would be more of the "My Immortal" stuff. But "My Immortal" was Ben [Moody]'s song! I was always trying to pull us in a crazier direction. Songs like "Weight of the World" and "Sweet Sacrifice" and "All That I'm Living For" are so amazing to me because of the adrenaline. Especially when we play them live.
"Don't want to forget the fear of lithium." One of several songs Lee sings in a lower register.
I wrote the chorus on the guitar when I was about 16. I always thought it was a cool chorus, but I never used it for anything. I started playing it on the piano and the verses came out. I have a pile of pieces stowed away in my mind that maybe I'll use some day. In a way it's an old song, but not really. It grew up.
"Cloud Nine"
A vocal tour de force, using strings, studio effects and Lee's own layered moaning.
It's about breaking up. There are a lot of relationship struggles on the record. I always write about what I was feeling, because then it's genuine. I was struggling with a relationship and felt like a waste of space. The first lyric says it all, "If you want to live, let live/ If you want to go, let go/ What are we doing here?/ Because I can live without you."
"Snow White Queen"
Industrial beats usher in one of Lee's most powerful vocal performances.
I went through some weird experiences with stalkers. It's weird how it works. My lyrics are so intimate that people feel like they really know me, and I don't know them at all. My privacy had been completely invaded and there were a couple of nights where I couldn't stay at my house. So I wrote a song about it through the eyes of the stalker, and with my perspective, too.
It means "related to sadness." Which becomes obvious when you hear it.
I saw Amadeus when I was nine years old and fell in love with Mozart. The part of Mozart's Requiem called "Lacrymosa" is my favorite piece of music ever. I always wished we could cover it, but with programming and guitars and make it cool. It's our moment to try all the things I wanted to and couldn't, so I started messing with it in Protools. Terry wrote some riffs and turned it into this awesome metal epic.
"Like You"
Tense, mournful ... and the closest The Open Door gets to Fallen's world-beating ballads.
"Like You" is maybe the most intimate song on the record. It was about losing my little sister when I was a child. On the last record, I wrote "Hello" about her. "Like You" is her place on this record.
"Lose Control"
"You don't remember my name, I don't really care." The anger's in the music.
Terry uses a lot of delay and noises. His guitar playing is really creepy! He also uses a lot of half-step two chords, which I love. I felt like I wasn't really allowed to use stuff like that before, because Ben didn't like it. But songs like "Lose Control" go from C to a C sharp, back and forth. I love those. It's that Portishead influence.
"The Only One"
Like Sarah McLachlan if she was singing in the ninth circle of hell.
The song is about some of my experiences as a teenager with close-mindedness. I thought the people around me seemed lost in a world that I really didn't belong in. It's kind of spiritual. We originally called the track "Tuna Afternoon," because I made tuna noodle casserole that day. We still call the song "Tuna Afternoon." Sometimes it's hard to get past that working title.
"Your Star"
The jet-propelled coda was inspired by Terry Balsamo's Pantera fixation.
A couple of years ago, I felt so alone that I was dreading going on tour. We had just arrived in Lisbon and I was in my room feeling jet-lagged, weird and tired. I had just been home where I could see the stars at night. But when I looked out the hotel window in Lisbon, I couldn't see anything because we were in this big city. That was the last straw. I felt so depressed, I just started singing this song.
"All That I'm Living For"
An opening salvo of guitars keeps up the momentum, in spite of Lee's delicate delivery.
I love that song. It feels really different for us. The lyrics are about my writing process-how I put the song together, why I do it, and how I'm trying to fix all the things that are wrong with me through music. The first line says, "Save me from the night again/ I can feel the separation from the living." It's always night time when I start writing, just as the dusk is setting.
"Good Enough"
I'm okay, you're okay. All pianos and gentle vocals, ending the album on a hopeful note.
I had gone through a lot of difficult things during the writing of the whole album, and by the end of it, I had stepped away from those bad situations. That's really hard. You have to be really brave and strong about it. After doing that, I felt so amazing. For the first time I felt like I could write a song based on how good I felt. I have never done that before ever.
Source: VH1, via Evanescence The Open Door Blog
18 September, 2006
An Interesting Australian Visitor :)
I woke up today with a huge visit to the blog, by someone from australia, a 10 minute visit with over 35 hits !!!
The Visitor's Info:
Referring Link:
IP Address:
Country: Australia
Region: Queensland
City: Richmond
ISP: Aapt Limited
Visit Length 10 mins 48 secs
The visit navigation path:
The Visitor's Info:
Referring Link:
IP Address:
Country: Australia
Region: Queensland
City: Richmond
ISP: Aapt Limited
Visit Length 10 mins 48 secs
The visit navigation path:
Pope is not Christianity, and Muslims are reacting on Christianity!
It wasn't enough that the pope, by the name of who wants and who doesn't from whom he claims to be representing along with the Vatican, declared that Islam is an aggressive religion... but Muslims their selfs worked, as a reaction on his comments, to prove exactly what was commented by him!
I mean, what even more stupid can be, the reaction of some stupid Palestinians (that claim Islam on their side) by throwing bombs in the churches and cathedrals of Palestine, where the massive majority of Christians, as in any other Arab country, are Orthodox, who do not even believe in the right of the Vatican and their pope to represent Christianity as a religion!
And do Palestinians really need more conflict than what they are already in! The conflict with Israel, the internal governmental conflict, the internal groups (cause political parties do not act like Hamas and Fateh do for sure!) conflict, and do we really need now a religious conflict?! SIGH!
Loads and loads of people, and organizations commented on the popes speech the other day like if the pope and its Vatican is representing Christianity and Christians all over the world! A thing that is absolutely wrong! Because all eastern Europe countries' (including the greatest Russian) Orthodox patriarchies for example deny the rights of the Vatican and their pope to represent Christianity and Christians, that is as far as the european church is concerned. While the oldest 3 churches of the world: The eastern orthodox church (in Palestine, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon), the Egyptian Coptic church, and the Syriani Orthodox Church (in northern Syria, Antakia, and turkey in general) all deny the Vatican's right to represent Christianity, and the way its representing it. And those last 3 mentioned here have been living side by side with Islam for the past 1400 years ... so why now, are some of us, Muslims, taking such ugly reactions against Christianity rather than the Vatican as a fake entity for Christianity, that was generated by the mid-age centuries rulers, and re-empowered by todays huge powers of the worlds!
If the action taken by the Vatican's pope was wrong, then the reaction on it taken by some Muslims was worst. Its just a game of teasing, and some stupid people easily dropped into the hole!
I mean, what even more stupid can be, the reaction of some stupid Palestinians (that claim Islam on their side) by throwing bombs in the churches and cathedrals of Palestine, where the massive majority of Christians, as in any other Arab country, are Orthodox, who do not even believe in the right of the Vatican and their pope to represent Christianity as a religion!
And do Palestinians really need more conflict than what they are already in! The conflict with Israel, the internal governmental conflict, the internal groups (cause political parties do not act like Hamas and Fateh do for sure!) conflict, and do we really need now a religious conflict?! SIGH!
Loads and loads of people, and organizations commented on the popes speech the other day like if the pope and its Vatican is representing Christianity and Christians all over the world! A thing that is absolutely wrong! Because all eastern Europe countries' (including the greatest Russian) Orthodox patriarchies for example deny the rights of the Vatican and their pope to represent Christianity and Christians, that is as far as the european church is concerned. While the oldest 3 churches of the world: The eastern orthodox church (in Palestine, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon), the Egyptian Coptic church, and the Syriani Orthodox Church (in northern Syria, Antakia, and turkey in general) all deny the Vatican's right to represent Christianity, and the way its representing it. And those last 3 mentioned here have been living side by side with Islam for the past 1400 years ... so why now, are some of us, Muslims, taking such ugly reactions against Christianity rather than the Vatican as a fake entity for Christianity, that was generated by the mid-age centuries rulers, and re-empowered by todays huge powers of the worlds!
If the action taken by the Vatican's pope was wrong, then the reaction on it taken by some Muslims was worst. Its just a game of teasing, and some stupid people easily dropped into the hole!
10 September, 2006
Evanescence's New Album in FULL, THIS TUESDAY on RJ FM 96.3
Yes, The Open Door, Evanescence's latest album will be featured in full THIS TUESDAY, starting 10 PM on Radio Jordan FM, on the middle of the road show with Dj Safana Bustami.
The album is being feature exactly ONE MONTH before its release in the market, and exclusively in the region on Radio Jordan FM.
This Demonstrational airplay is most probably a policy to get stringth back to evanescence, similar policy was used with System of Adown's album Masmerize, which was out of stock in Prime megastore for example right from the 1st day of its availability due to the high popularity it had on Radio Jordan before its official release and availability in the Jordanian Market
07 September, 2006
The Trip in photos
As previously promised , here are some photos from the trip i concluded by bus to romania.
This photo illustrates the only building that can be seen from the air in bucharest, the romanian capital, its the ex-communist leader (Cheaushesku)'s palace. in case you dont know, the only building that can be seen from the air in amman is Le Royal Hotel.

This is just outside the building where i live in romania, you look to the right & you find this.... any one missed some greenary in jordan :)

Romanians, the rich ones out of them really do care about getting a "Cool" car, just like this one :)

& Since my trip was by bus, I have took lots of photos from turkey, since the trip includes around 1600 Kms accross turkey.
This is Antakia's new bus station, in the inside of the station, its not big, for a small city in southern turkey and only 50 Kms away from syria, but its too neat & nice!

This is the bus I travelled with in Turkey, A Mercedes Intouro .. & Yes, with HAS, the company linked out here. & Yes, thats a personal 4-channel Audio System :)

Istanbul Bus station is another success in the Turkish transport system, it has 2 levels! the people get their buses from the 2nd floor :) this is the station from the inner side, where cars and taxi's are allowed, on the other side from this circulatic building the buses park in their lanes.

This is Mercedes Travego, the most luxurious coach bus mercedes ever made

Taking some pics of istanbul, this is how the asian side looks from over the bridge on the bosphors.

whilist, this is the european side,

& This is the bosphors, also in the photo the 2nd bridge over this piece of narrow sea, and Fatih's castle, which was the 1st place he gained in europe in his battels with the bizantian emperor.

Istanbul of course is a typical european city after all, with loads of high buildings

from harem on the asian side, ordinary turkish people take the fairy boat to the european side, istanbul is that big so that getting to the bridge will take alot of time, not forgetting the money, and the bridge tax in case of having a personal car.

also taken from harem, this is an oversea view of topkapi palace, which was the center residence for the otoman rulers, appearing in the picture is SultanAhmed's mosque, and Aya Sofia cathedral, which was built also as a mosque-alike architecture.

in istanbul, there are 100s of bus routes, and no supporting information system for them! simply everyone knows what bus to take anywhere, this is what is called an urban public transportation friendly community.
beside the euro standard urban buses, those turkish made "OTOKAR" are also in use

& last but not least, the radio airwaves around turkey are soooooooooooooooooo jammed, the TV as well with around 95 TV stations working in turkey.
just have a look for a hill in istanbul & u'll know what i mean.
This photo illustrates the only building that can be seen from the air in bucharest, the romanian capital, its the ex-communist leader (Cheaushesku)'s palace. in case you dont know, the only building that can be seen from the air in amman is Le Royal Hotel.

This is just outside the building where i live in romania, you look to the right & you find this.... any one missed some greenary in jordan :)

Romanians, the rich ones out of them really do care about getting a "Cool" car, just like this one :)

& Since my trip was by bus, I have took lots of photos from turkey, since the trip includes around 1600 Kms accross turkey.
This is Antakia's new bus station, in the inside of the station, its not big, for a small city in southern turkey and only 50 Kms away from syria, but its too neat & nice!

This is the bus I travelled with in Turkey, A Mercedes Intouro .. & Yes, with HAS, the company linked out here. & Yes, thats a personal 4-channel Audio System :)

Istanbul Bus station is another success in the Turkish transport system, it has 2 levels! the people get their buses from the 2nd floor :) this is the station from the inner side, where cars and taxi's are allowed, on the other side from this circulatic building the buses park in their lanes.

This is Mercedes Travego, the most luxurious coach bus mercedes ever made

Taking some pics of istanbul, this is how the asian side looks from over the bridge on the bosphors.

whilist, this is the european side,

& This is the bosphors, also in the photo the 2nd bridge over this piece of narrow sea, and Fatih's castle, which was the 1st place he gained in europe in his battels with the bizantian emperor.

Istanbul of course is a typical european city after all, with loads of high buildings

from harem on the asian side, ordinary turkish people take the fairy boat to the european side, istanbul is that big so that getting to the bridge will take alot of time, not forgetting the money, and the bridge tax in case of having a personal car.

also taken from harem, this is an oversea view of topkapi palace, which was the center residence for the otoman rulers, appearing in the picture is SultanAhmed's mosque, and Aya Sofia cathedral, which was built also as a mosque-alike architecture.

in istanbul, there are 100s of bus routes, and no supporting information system for them! simply everyone knows what bus to take anywhere, this is what is called an urban public transportation friendly community.
beside the euro standard urban buses, those turkish made "OTOKAR" are also in use

& last but not least, the radio airwaves around turkey are soooooooooooooooooo jammed, the TV as well with around 95 TV stations working in turkey.
just have a look for a hill in istanbul & u'll know what i mean.

06 September, 2006
Ads making visual polution in Bucharest
I guess most of you right now know what the term "Visual Polution" means ... Ads, Ads, and yet more Ads .... everywhere!
in case you thought amman is full of ads ... then have a look at Bucharest, Romania's capital city.
Probably the most annoying thing i saw was what is in the next photo... Ads sheets covering buildings faces and windows! UGLY!
old historic buildings that are 100 years old or more, instead of being reinovated, they are used as spaces for ads... this building in the photo is being used and located!

Here you can see what is called, Ad Poles, they became more like Ad shawerma,since those advertisers dont even have time to remove whats on it, they just STICK IT!

Now can you believe this is one of bucharest's biggest shopping centers, that has been there since the communists were ruling, Unirea Shopping center has been reinovated from the inside and the outside with a modern face of tined glass and fibers ... but look! its now an Ads huge panel .... some times you cant even figure out there is a building behind there.
in case you thought amman is full of ads ... then have a look at Bucharest, Romania's capital city.
Probably the most annoying thing i saw was what is in the next photo... Ads sheets covering buildings faces and windows! UGLY!
old historic buildings that are 100 years old or more, instead of being reinovated, they are used as spaces for ads... this building in the photo is being used and located!

Here you can see what is called, Ad Poles, they became more like Ad shawerma,since those advertisers dont even have time to remove whats on it, they just STICK IT!

Now can you believe this is one of bucharest's biggest shopping centers, that has been there since the communists were ruling, Unirea Shopping center has been reinovated from the inside and the outside with a modern face of tined glass and fibers ... but look! its now an Ads huge panel .... some times you cant even figure out there is a building behind there.

Tuning in home!
While I was in Romania (by the way, I got back from there in case you didnt know, just several days ago, by bus as well of course).. I had the chance to get my hands on a SOLO 500 TECHNO-IASI radio that was made during the 1970s.
The over 30 years old radio “instrument” was made by TECHNO-IASI in the city of IASI (spelled IASH) – Romania.
The radio receives ( still ... ) broadcasts on 4 bands, including SW (The Short wave) which is entitled by the communist culture at that time on the radio as (The US band!), most probably because the western Short wave band was the way the west was broadcasting for the USSR and Eastern Europe's nations through radio stations like Radio Free Europe, the BBC, VOA, and others.
Anyway, I used this 30 years old radio that i found in some friends radio in the romanian country side to tune in home throughout the shortwave SW... and, I succeeded :)
I was able to hear the 2 PM news from Radio Jordan's Arabic Broadcasting throughout an SW frequency that i didnt know its orientation, because the signal was some how weak. (In case you do not know, Radio Jordan Broadcasting's Arabic Service broadcasts on over 9 SW frequencies at different time of the day for different regions of the planet), and heard several “Jordanian” songs after the news including “Bel 3askaria” by Bashar Al-Sar7an :)
Laters on, around 4 PM in the evening, I switched the frequency to SW 11690 Khz, and bingo, its my favorite radio station in Jordan, Radio Jordan FM (or well, not that FM using SW), didnt really expect to get it with such an old radio, especially that 11690 Khz is oriented towards Western Europe & North America, whilst I was able to get it in a good-V.good signal in easter Romania, just around 150 Kms from the ex USSR frontiers! Interesting :)
It was really nice to tune in for 3.5 hours to our home station (Jordan FM) internationally on the SW, and it was even nicer to hear lots of great tracks from the 70s till the latest exclusive hits on Jordan FM, tracks that are that new so that no radio station in Romania even “know” about it!
And on SW! Again, its Short WAVE! Amazing!
And really made me proud!
Just for your information, I was able to get in addition to the 2 Jordanian radio station: BBC Arabic (Of course), Radio Cairo, Radio Quran of Saudi Arabia, and an Iraqi-lengo speaking radio station (Not really sure if its the Iraqi government's, or VOA's, or the kurds, or maybe Iran's!)
The over 30 years old radio “instrument” was made by TECHNO-IASI in the city of IASI (spelled IASH) – Romania.
The radio receives ( still ... ) broadcasts on 4 bands, including SW (The Short wave) which is entitled by the communist culture at that time on the radio as (The US band!), most probably because the western Short wave band was the way the west was broadcasting for the USSR and Eastern Europe's nations through radio stations like Radio Free Europe, the BBC, VOA, and others.
Anyway, I used this 30 years old radio that i found in some friends radio in the romanian country side to tune in home throughout the shortwave SW... and, I succeeded :)
I was able to hear the 2 PM news from Radio Jordan's Arabic Broadcasting throughout an SW frequency that i didnt know its orientation, because the signal was some how weak. (In case you do not know, Radio Jordan Broadcasting's Arabic Service broadcasts on over 9 SW frequencies at different time of the day for different regions of the planet), and heard several “Jordanian” songs after the news including “Bel 3askaria” by Bashar Al-Sar7an :)
Laters on, around 4 PM in the evening, I switched the frequency to SW 11690 Khz, and bingo, its my favorite radio station in Jordan, Radio Jordan FM (or well, not that FM using SW), didnt really expect to get it with such an old radio, especially that 11690 Khz is oriented towards Western Europe & North America, whilst I was able to get it in a good-V.good signal in easter Romania, just around 150 Kms from the ex USSR frontiers! Interesting :)
It was really nice to tune in for 3.5 hours to our home station (Jordan FM) internationally on the SW, and it was even nicer to hear lots of great tracks from the 70s till the latest exclusive hits on Jordan FM, tracks that are that new so that no radio station in Romania even “know” about it!
And on SW! Again, its Short WAVE! Amazing!
And really made me proud!
Just for your information, I was able to get in addition to the 2 Jordanian radio station: BBC Arabic (Of course), Radio Cairo, Radio Quran of Saudi Arabia, and an Iraqi-lengo speaking radio station (Not really sure if its the Iraqi government's, or VOA's, or the kurds, or maybe Iran's!)
25 August, 2006
Why isn't Anyone watching the world cup nowadays!?
Yeah, for real ... the under 20 women World Cup has started on the 17th of August & it will last till the 1st of September... & believe you me, its hotter than the men's :)
Here , 1st of all , all the countries that has under 20 year women football teams can participate, without pre-qualification tournaments , like men's. ( & I'm Really wondering why our Jordanian team aint there! coz they play well after all!)
Here , everything is almost the same except for some facts:
- broadcasting licenses are almost free & TV channels are not buying them! people ain't killing their self either to watch it ... I'm watching it on Eurosport (Its on Eurosport and Eurosport 2).
- the event is being held in Russia, a country not capable of hosting the men's WC.
- the stadiums are empty, mostly!
- Fifa broadcasting guys are giving away the same quality of shots and production, but During the match, don't get surprised if the director switches to a camera focusing on a couple french kissing on the stadium!
- players standing in a defense wall have , somehow a different position :)
I Guess I'd let some pics speak for the event :)

Here , 1st of all , all the countries that has under 20 year women football teams can participate, without pre-qualification tournaments , like men's. ( & I'm Really wondering why our Jordanian team aint there! coz they play well after all!)
Here , everything is almost the same except for some facts:
- broadcasting licenses are almost free & TV channels are not buying them! people ain't killing their self either to watch it ... I'm watching it on Eurosport (Its on Eurosport and Eurosport 2).
- the event is being held in Russia, a country not capable of hosting the men's WC.
- the stadiums are empty, mostly!
- Fifa broadcasting guys are giving away the same quality of shots and production, but During the match, don't get surprised if the director switches to a camera focusing on a couple french kissing on the stadium!
- players standing in a defense wall have , somehow a different position :)
I Guess I'd let some pics speak for the event :)

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