12 January, 2009

Russians seem to be interested in attracting us! Media Wise

The new russian TV, Russia Today, seem to be really interested in the arabic public, and specifically the jordanian, and attracting them to their arabic channel that has been on the air for several months now.

The station has been advertising in local newspapers, and last week i've mentioned they installed this booth in City Mall, where they even have some young girls, "Not Russian, nor half russian ... Unfortunately ;)" trying "with not even half of the russian dare-full-ness" to let the people know more about the channel.

I've never seen until now such a direct promotion for any TV station in jordan, yet. What do you think about it. Russian's Are Rush-in or what :)


Ali Dahmash said...

Yes it did attract me, I watched it a couple of times and they seem like a moderate media venue. But since BBC Arabic has the same approach which is different than the regular BBC therefore I have my doubts.

Hatem Abunimeh said...

Perhaps this article by Garry Kasparov published in today's edition of the WSJ will shed some light on some of the Russian interests in the ME. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123172143660372413.html