20 February, 2006

Urdon, a Jordanian Album!

Yes, This is the 1st ever ARABIC CD in my music collection! Believe it or not, it's Jordanian, & it worths it, It's RUM GROUP's Latest Album (URDON).

As some of you, particularly some Jordan Planet Residents, had already felt the experience of Rum's new album in the release event at Zara Expo last January and me being too evolved in everything but my self and my spiritual self (now there's a difference in my opinion between the both! Freeky!!) I finally got my Hand on the CD it self, been hearing it nonstop for over 3 days now, getting into a completely new experience, that might, if not sure, is different from being at a life concert by them, having the 1st impression built directly from the CD's tracks, that have been heavily repeated in order to get as deep as possible into them!

Conclusion: The CD worths 50 JDs, not Only 5! for real, todays arabic music is not only terrible enough to make this album by Rum the best arabic music I've heard since over 10 years now, but also a loose of the arabic identity, even on the local levels, so that such an album by Rum must be a success, if not in the arab world then in Jordan at least!

The album, entitled URDON (that is, “Jordan” in arabic language, but in an easy going arabic language format) really express Jordan as a community and culture as well as Jordan as part of the culture of Arabia. Awesome!

I'm feeling like listening to each and every track now and telling you the experience it moves me to, I guess this is the most simple way to assess this CD:

1 – Urdon: The piece of music that truly represents Jordan, and the best start for such an album! Music that represents everything in Jordan, the heritage, the history, the people, the daily life in the Capital, town, village and desert!
The Music is compiled of usual rhythms each and every Jordanian hums starting his day, Yeah! Have anyone noticed that but me!?

2 – Rohy Ya Roh: The music for the soul, probably the incidents of 9 Nov had an influence in putting this track the 2nd in the tracklist. The song is a song for the soul, it's a song dedicated for a soul mate the somebody misses for a reason or another, where only his spirit would be able to meet that somebody's soul urging the need of the physical meeting, but away from it in fact!
Is This the way we arabs love in here or what!

3 – Lamma Teshty: I don't know, but I felt like I'm singing this song, It's my talks, my conversation with my self, the conversation that nobody would appreciate but my own life,,, yes that little piece deep inside of me is the only “thing” accepting it, Life is a mate of my life, this one is typically my song!

4 – Jtna Resalah: I guess this track with Ma'ani Originated rhythms entitled “We got a message” is just a message from Tariq Al-Nasser and his band for todays Urban people, that simply mentions: “This is Your Culture, this is You, This is What You Are, it's not like you think or make it look like, it's this hyper, this relaxing, this dynamic, this pure and simple,,,,, THINK!” .... Got the message?!

5 – Iram: This is a musical session of all the sounds of arabia, with its all sorts of lives and environments, This is Rum's message to the world regarding arabia, away from the fantasies of 1001 nights, Buddah Bar's Indiano-Arab fictional identity, and from Radio Orient's erotic representation of Arabia fantasies.

6 – Ya Yumma:an Arab east Mediterranean's (one of which is Jordanian) girl's call for her mother. This is arabia's romantica... one built on real life though.

7 – Hob: It is 100% a typical Jordanian Love story, I just feel it, the first look, the first smile, the first informal meeting, the first formal meeting, the happy moments, the hand touch, the hangout, the hours spent together, the nights spent thinking of each other,,, even the progress of engagement and the happily lived days after, it's the peak, definitely the peak during minute 3 of the song.... what's after,,,, The Wedding and the marriage life by the beginning of minute 4, the couple are old now, wishing their kids will ever love as they did once, is it gonna happen, kids are not loving their parents even, what kind of love would they practice if they lack the very least of it..... Oh my God! Is it just another song with a message in the album!

8 – 3Eshna: This is the life of a typical Urban Jordanian.... (and Urban Doesn't being cool and winning an i-budd!) It's 90% of Jordan's 20-30 aged girls and guys' life, it's the kick start of a Jordanian's life, with all it's daily life suffering, little deep happiness that would keep'em up for this life, and celebration ;) there are two parties featured in this song, I feel that one is a real one, while the other is a Love-Fest ;) which is deep inside the soul. Hehe, a yelling wife and a bunch of kids are next... Typically Jordanian ;)

9 – Dagg Galby (music): it's a listeners exploration for the next track which is supported with vocals. It's a love state with all the emotions a Jordanian girl would go through (an Information based on my observation). In this track you feel the fact that she's making it all secret and discreet, until that moment of time when she speaks out, and finds out that nothing can protect her love from speaking out loud declaring everything, just a wonderful piece of art by Tariq Al-Nasser.

10 – Dagg Galby: the vocal piece of this song, recorded in 1994 as mentioned in the cover is really “too good” to be done in 1994! it's represents a Jordanian female's feelings to her mom obviously, a story to tell. Also with a peak, a happy one, marriage ... isn't that every girl's dream after all.

11 – Min Nus Sa3a: The Jordanian couple, ironically a true usual story, on which a Jordanian couple's story is built, because of certain life circumstances, actual ones that cannot be ignored. This Jazzy humming gives irony for the track, I love it ;) a Jordanian guys suffering is notable in the track... ma tseebini mal6o3 fel ma7al ;) ..... God, is it a fight their by the end, yes it is, a way if life based vocal fight, resulting in what .... getting back to the beginning of the track once again ;)

12 – Mosaic (Urdon): I liked the fact that Tariq used the word “Mosaic” instead of remix. This closing track is the same track which the album has started with, this one represent the “mosaic” and variety of the Modern Jordan's Life. Another point of view would be that the 1st track was Jordan at day, while this represents the Jordanian night, good thought as well, probably jordan's “modernism” appears in night more obvious as well!

In short, By the Album it worths it, BUY IT ORIGINAL, save 5 JDs from your mobiles useless chit chat and buy this one, IT WORTHS IT! Believe me.

Technorati tags: Jordan, Urdon, Rum Music, day life, night life, No Piracy, Jordanian, first, arabic, album

14 February, 2006

رفض قانون الزراعة المؤقت

Yes We took a part in saving Jordan's Trees!

رفضت لجنة مشتركة في مجلس الأعيان أمس القانون المؤقت المعدل لقانون الزراعة، مؤكدة أن تطبيقه يخلف انعكاسات سلبية على الثروة الحرجية في المملكة ويشكل تهديدا للغطاء الأخضر.

وأعلنت مؤسسات مجتمع مدني، رحبت بقرار اللجنة، تأجيل فعاليات تصعيدية كانت تعتزم تنفيذها في إطار جهودها الرامية للدفع باتجاه رد القانون المؤقت الذي وصفته فعاليات زراعية وبيئية بـ"المدمر" على اعتبار أنه يسمح بإقامة مشاريع استثمارية على الأراضي الحرجية.

وأوضحت اللجنة المشكلة من لجنتي الشؤون القانونية وشؤون الزراعة والمياه في المجلس، أن الأردن يعاني من التصحر والجفاف.

وأشارت في جلستها التي عقدتها برئاسة رئيس مجلس الأعيان زيد الرفاعي، بحسب وكالة الأنباء الأردنية "بترا"، أن الغطاء النباتي يعتبر ثروة وطنية، وأن تطبيق القانون المؤقت يترك آثارا سلبية عليها. وينتظر أن يتخذ مجلس الأعيان قراره النهائي حيال هذا القانون في اجتماع يعقده لاحقا، ما يعني أن احتمال موافقة المجلس علية مايزال قائما، إذ يحق للمجلس قبول قرار لجنته المشتركة أو رفضه.

واعتبرت الهيئة التنسيقية لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني قرار لجنة الأعيان الذي جاء موافقا مع قرار سابق لمجلس النواب برد هذا القانون، "خطوة" باتجاه عدم إقراره.

وقررت الهيئة تأجيل فعاليات تصعيدية كانت تعتزم تنفيذها ضمن جهودها للدفع باتجاه رد القانون المؤقت، بحسب نقيب المهندسين الزراعيين حسن جبر.

وكانت الهيئة التنيسقية قررت في اجتماع عقدته الأسبوع الماضي مقابلة رئيس الوزراء معروف البخيت ورئيس مجلس الأعيان زيد الرفاعي دفعا باتجاه رد قانون الزراعة المؤقت، ملوحة بإجراءات تصعيدية في حال عدم استجابة الحكومة بمطالبها برد القانون.

وأعلنت عزمها تنظيم اعتصام أمام مجلسي الوزراء والأمة للمطالبة برد القانون. وقررت، في حال عدم الاستجابة لها، "التخييم" في الأراضي الحرجية لمنع تنفيذ القانون.

ودعت الهيئة، مطلع شهر شباط (فبراير) الحالي، المواطنين والمعنيين بشؤون البيئة والمتوجسين من تعرضها للأخطار والتدمير أن يعربوا عن قلقهم على مصير الغابات في الأردن بتوقيعهم على عريضة تبين الأخطار المترتبة على الثروة الحرجية حال نفاذ قانون الزراعة المؤقت، قررت رفعها إلى الرئيس البخيت.

وكان التوقيع يتم عبر موقع الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة الإلكتروني www.rscn.org.jo أو المواقع الإلكترونية لجمعيات البيئة الأخرى. وحملت العريضة عنوان "انقذوا غابات الأردن.. لنقل لا لتدمير الزراعة

More Here

Technorati tags: Jordanian Parlament , Save, Jordan, Trees, alghad, RSCN

JRTV giving opportunities for Creativity ;) FINALLY!

And Finally, JTV IS DOING IT! Finally they figured out that Creativity comes from web 2.0 concept ;)
Get this people:

The Jordan Radio and Television Broadcasting Corporation is willing to produce various new radio and TV shows on the stations its operating and is calling on ANY PERSON having NEW UNRELEASED Ideas and suggestions in order to be taken into consideration and produced by the corporation in association with the owner of the idea. Types of shows on which ideas are accepted are:
Documentary Shows,
TalkShows (Social, Political, and Cultural),
Religious Shows,
Kids shows,
Youth targeted Shows,
Competitions and trivia shows,
Variety Shows.

The proposal must include:
The Idea,
Show Partitioning,
Target Audience,
Show Objective,
a written Demo scenario for the show,
The Full Production Plan needed in a Power Point Presentation format: (including : Directory Plan, Drama Progress Plan – if any – , Production Design, Location, Décor, Accessories and Dress Design, Technologies used – Cameras, Sound, Light, Hardware needed – , The Names of all the personnel taking part in the work, Estimated budget),
All the personnel that are to take place in the intended show must be Jordanian Citizens.

Ideas are to be sent to tv@jrtv.gov.jo
Deadline Date: 10 March 2006

Technorati tags: JRTV , Creativity, Jordan, TV, Media Production

13 February, 2006

My 2nd JordanPlanet Meeting

Yes, only Khalida have posted about it ;)

The Feb 06 Jordanian Bloggers meeting was My 2nd, and my 1st at Wild Jordan. The meeting's attendants weren't 30+ as expected, but around 20.

Abdul Aziz from Kuwait and I were the 1st to be there around 6:15, as well as Ibrahim Owais who was waiting on a table with out us knowing him. Abdul Aziz & I were both spinning ,searching and asking the employees about the meeting and coincidently got to know each other, we searched each and every place at Wild Jordan, we even got to the kitchen by mistake and opened a door through which we simply saw the foundations of Wild Jordan and the ArabBank of Downtown! Feeky!

Anyway, everyone started to come slightly after, khaleda, Ala'a Ibrahim, Lina,Darwish, Isam and Abeer,,,, and the rest followed.

Unlike Always, Roba was the last to reach! No not Ammar, but Jad and Roba!

Topics discussed were mainly about having Jordan Planet's citizens involved in group work and actions, and how can this be done respecting opinions of other citizens in the planet. this issue was shifted to a current similar action done by some members regarding the book club.

Also, suggestions for next meetings were discussed, suggestions for having a meeting in a WiFi-service place to post about the meeting directly from location was discussed, a problem was having free WiFi service,, well, since the nr of citizens is increasing, a suggestion was to get benifit of closing the 4th circle for the new tunnel and intersection being built in there and have a meeting at the 4th circle, free Wifi will be available from the Prime Ministry Complex "10 Zahran Street", and it will be a place to accommodate us all ;)

Discussions for having one of the meetings where blog readers to be invited to the meeting, explicitly, this would be a nice experience, but a place to accommodate all of us will be needed.

other meeting related discussions were held. And of course JameedKast also had a focus during the meeting ;) photo tagging between laith and ala'a occured!

As You are reading this post, n@simjo 1.9.86 is ON, after some fixations occurred in relation to some trouble for those reading the blog with screen resolution over 800*600 in 1.9.85, and technorati tags are added now. 2.0 is getting closer everyone! still accepting your suggestions

technorati tags: JP, JordanPlanet, Wild Jordan, meeting, 4th Circle, nasimjo

09 February, 2006

n@simjo 1.9.84 is ON!

Yes, Finally a new look!
this is still before 2.0, just to see your reaction and tips on it.
And before you'd say a word, the theme is not PINK, it's coral, getting back to my roots when I had Lived in Aqaba during the 1st couple of years in my life on this earth.... so it's coral not pink.

I guess im having trouble with IE 6 and earlier regarding the PNG images, I mean, c'mon, get a REAL BROWSER

Waiting for your comments, I wont tell you more about the changes till the official 2.0 release....
Ok Ok, I got my own Categorization touch since blogger doesnt have this feature!

06 February, 2006

Say NO for the New agriculture law! SAVE JORDAN's Forests

The modifications made by the past government on the subject 27 of the law Nr 44/2002 is to enable buying and renting Forests for Investment Purposes, giving power to some fat guys in suits with big pockets to destroy the only 0.9% out of Jordan that consists of forests.
Say No to this modification NOW along with the campaign the RSCN on their website at: http://www.savejordantrees.org/ or at Wild Jordan in Jabal Amman..

Residents of the planet, Let Our Meeting Be at Wild Jordan, and let's save what remained from Jordan's Forests.

02 February, 2006

Jordanian Shorties on JTV, starting this saturday

Yes, and finally, Jordanian Shorties, Movies by Real Creative Jordanians supported the Royal Film Commission will be featured each and every saturday starting the 4th of Feb on JTV..
Finally, Quality Stuff on JTV.... Qua Productions is in indeed ;)