30 May, 2007

و أنا مش عارف شو الموظوع

اليوم، كنا بنتغدا بلبناني بطيخ\سناك - فرع الجامعة... و إزززز ... شب و صبية بللشولك صياح و هواش! الصبية سبّسبت عالشّب مستخدمةً مفهوم "يا حفرتلي" .. الشب حمل حالوا و روّح

إيند أوف ستوري!

الجامعة الهاشمية تحتكر المركز الأول في هندسة البرمجيات

في امتحان الكفاءة الجامعية لهذا العام ، حصلت الجامعة الهاشمية على المركز الأول احتكاراً في تخصص هندسة البرمجيات، الذي يشمل لأول مرة في امتحان الكفاءة الجامعية
هذا و قد حصلت الجامعة الهاشمية على المركز الأول احتكاراً أيضاً في تخصصي نظم المعلومات الادارية و التمريض. و مشاركة مع جامعات أخرى في عدة تخصصات أخرى، منها تخصص نظم المعلومات الحاسوبية

و الله حيهم طلاب و طالبات الهاشمية

27 May, 2007

1 year of BiSCA out of the box..

1 year of getting BiSCA out the box ....
so where are we at ... after 1 year of graduation ...
after 1 year of BiSCA ...
I guess ill talk about the graduation later, that will be exactly as a year will due from my official graduation.

now about BiSCA... it was really amazing how we were a couple of weeks away from submitting the graduation project, an nobody had even a clue about how our system looks like :P this is what we like to call iterative development using the unified process :)

after 1 year, BiSCA is still not implemented in amman, and not even planned to be implemented.
after 1 year, we have been through the media (not any usual media... since the usual media doesnt have time for us! an article about BiSCA in Al-Rai newspaper was set to be published since the end of last month, and until now its waiting in the "queue"!).

after 1 year, BiSCA has version 0.1 of its website, which will notice the launch of a public service of BiSCA later by the end of this summer. as an initiative by the 3 of us, the founders of BiSCA ... by the way, we need a stress test for the server, so please do not hesitate to ping the website as much as you can.

after 1 year, BiSCA has participated in a couple of technology conferences, one in Jordan, and one in malaysia, amazed many, and made alot others wonder.

after 1 year, BiSCA will be representing jordan and the middle east in Transtec in Prague, and no one is ready to support us to go there ... we barely paid the fees of the conference.

after 1 year of BiSCA , some officials got amazed, others claimed such systems are available everywhere! conclusion, no body is doing anything!

after 1 year .... we are still aiming high, and we promise you all, that even if BiSCA will not get implemented, you will find that BiSCA will have a role in public transportation within this year by our individual efforts.

Happy Birthday BiSCA

23 May, 2007

Reminder: Jordan Independence Day Bloggers Meeting

This Friday, 5.30-8.30 PM.
Wild Jordan Cafe, Jabal Amman.

Who should come: Anyone blogger/bloggerate that wants to move the blogosphere to the table.

Why Should You come: to move the blogosphere back to the table.. well, and to watch the fireworks at the citadel at 8.30 PM :)

People who should not come: People that did not like the previous couple of lines above here.

How to reach the place: according to this map... Wild Jordan is very obvious in relation to several items around.

the rainbow street is the one in yellow. if u have a car, follow the green line because (and the detour signs on the street) because the beginning of rainbow street is currently closed.

I suggest you dont park the car at the Jordan River foundation though, because Jara Market is on, and you wont find a place to park your car. while in case you come with a cab or service, get down at Jordan River foundation and walk through Jara Market down to wild jordan.. its easier than finding that norrow street.


الأمير علي منتقداً ... عمان

ألا يمكن التركيز على تشجيع المستثمرين لبناء ابراج والقيام بمشاريع تنمية في الصحراء شرق عمان - على غرار دبي ودول الخليج وهي نماذج يبدو اننا مصرون على الامتثال بها - عوضا عن قضم اراضينا الزراعية في جنوب وغرب المدينة؟ لقد طرحت هذا السؤال على مسؤول، قلة فقط تشاطره رأيه فنظر اليّ مذهولا وتعجب: ''نبني الى الشرق؟ هذا غير ممكن اذ سيحتم المرور عبر عمان الشرقية والوحدات'' وكأن هذه المناطق الحيوية مصابة بوباء ومع العلم انها بأمس الحاجة الى مساحات خضراء ربما يكون في ذلك فرصة ايضا لازالة الحواجز في المجتمع التي تبرز هنا وهناك والغريبة كليا عن طبيعة الاردن التي ترعرعنا فيها والمتسمة بالانفتاح والتواصل
المزيد هنا

أعجبتني هذه الجملة في مقال الأمير علي في جرية الرأي البارحة ... والتي انتقد فيها أمانة العاصمة

أفراد العائلة المالكة يثبتون مجددا عدم رضاهم عن ما يسمى "تطورا" في الأردن. أو بالأحرى تطور الأفراد و الشركات, دون تطور البلد و المجتمع.

احترامي سمو الأمير

20 May, 2007

Da .... Basescu! (Part #2)

& finally :)

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanians rejected an attempt by parliament to impeach reformist President Traian Basescu in the Saturday referendum, official results showed on Sunday, giving fresh support to his anti-sleaze campaign.

Data collected from 92 percent of the polling stations showed 74 percent of Romanians voted against impeaching Basescu on charges that he overstepped his authority.

Basescu, the country's most popular politician, got 5.6 million votes in the referendum, half a million more than in the 2004 elections when he defeated ex-prime minister Adrian Nastase on an anti-graft ticket.
[read more]

14 May, 2007

Jordan Independence Day Meeting, 25th of May 2007

On Jordan's independence day, the 25th of May, There will be a bloggers meeting in Wild Jordan Cafe in Jabal Amman. starting 5.30 PM until whenever you can (well, mainly 9, if you want to move afterwards to Falafel Al-Quds I have no problem with it:))

People invited: Each and every person having a blog in jordan, or reading a blog in jordan. but without spoiling out the purpose of the meeting.

Number of people invited: Unlimited! all the way to down town amman :)

Purpose of the meeting: return the blogosphere back to the table, & celebrate Jordan Independence Day.. if u want just to socialize, dont come!

the meeting will also provide you an opportunity to see the jordanian flag! since you might have not seen it for the past 8 jordanian blogosphere meetings or so .... just to remind you its independence day I guess, I dont know the details behind this thing!

07 May, 2007


V 0.1 is UP :)

.. of the website not the system!

More soon ...!

05 May, 2007

Remember the old days of JP?!

Does any one still remember the big old days of JordanPlanet, and Jordan Planet meetings who were always a place of exchanging blogospheric views!