Technology gets very well along with sociology despite sociologists don't believe in us. I'm here to help my community with my Technology. Life is Object Oriented, so think rational & culture-is-e Your self!
26 June, 2006
Watch The World Cup for Free on TV (Part 3)
The police department also indicated that it provided the offer for the Jwaideh Female Prison (in the Souther Ammani district of Jwaideh), but the ladies have refused the offer being "Not Interested" in the big sport event.
Seems Zarqa will turn out to be the safest city in Jordan until July the 9th, since all the criminals will be declaring their crimes without any further thinking, especially that now they will be having the chance to watch the games in the Police station as well as in the prison, and especially after the annoying camping ART is holding for scrambling the foreign TV channels broadcasting the games on satellites covering the Arab world.
و عقبال عند الشباب في الجفر
Technorati tags: watch,the,world,cup,free,in,jordanian,prisons
Umniah sold out for Batelco .... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Yes, its confirmed, Mr Michele Dagher, The Manager and co-owner of Umniah Telecom, has signed the other day the contract of selling out 96% (Michele's own shares and his Kuwaiti alliance, Alghanem Invest) of Umniah, jordan's newest Mobile Telecommunication company, to Batelco, which already have bought NETS ONLINE and FirstNet Jordan several years ago and united them in Batelco Jordan.
The remaining 4% in case you are wondering were, and are still owned by the Governmental Jordanian Universities' Students Fund Society. Yes, a little bit of communism is good after all.
Personally, I consider Batelco Jordan a leading company in the Jordanian telecommunication market (not really appreciated by my self as far as web development is concerned despite the fact they have earned several awards in this domain). And I AM one of those persons that are still boycotting Jordan Telecom waiting for Batelco Jordan to get into the land line and the non telephonic broad band Internet lines. But Batelco taking place in the Jordanian GSM market wasn't expected, and a very confusing one now after it actually happened.
I don't really know what to comment on this deal, i just don't want Umniah to get screwed! I am an Umniah-only subscriber for over 10 months now, letting off my continuous 4 years of subscription with Past-Think, and i had probably one single dissatisfaction with their services, and one that they actually officially apologized for.
I personally sensed the left of Mr Michele Dagher from Fastlink, quite a change in the range of services, quality, customer service, and even the Policy has occurred after him leaving Fastlink. Mr Dagher well cooked and built his own network after that from his own office in the Culture Street in Shmeisani, making out the best of his policies, and the best deals to get through the Jordanian market, including 3G services, which unfortunately ARE NOT implemented fully in Jordan, neither by Umniah (the only fully 3G ready network in Jordan) nor any other networks because of licensing availability issues (The Ministry of ICT is indeed to be blamed for this).... for gods sake, 3G devices are becoming everywhere in town, why is this latency!
So Mr Dagher put down his money and ideas, and made out his "Umniah" (the word "Umniah" means "Wish" in case you aren't an arabic reader) after all, and now, after exactly 1 year of actual existence for that "Umniah", he's selling out his wishes with a profit of not less than 120% to batelco, and with over 250% of what was initially invested in his wish. Creative business guy, don't you thing ;)
But, I'm still wondering (Why)?!
I really have something in me that says that i must meat up with Mr Dagher in his office on the culture street one day and ask this question, I have not less than 0.00000027 % of Umniah after all (The percentage will not be more than 10 piasters by the way, I've just calculated it ;) At least he could have waited till 3G is to be released, or does it seem that it wont be licensed in the near future!?
Many questions, no answer so far. My concern is that Batelco won't damage dagher's once upon a time Wish, or better said "Umniah".
Read more about this topic from Ahmad Humeid.
Technorati tags: Umniah,sold,for,batelco
24 June, 2006
The Middle East Chronicle launched by the "Chronicles of a Utopian Writer"
The beta website is available on , this project needs your help. Any articles or submissions are welcomed on
Technorati tags: the,first,middle,eastern,chronicles,blog,by,Amino
Talk about jordan, using Jordanian Creativity
One of our Jordan Planet readers, a German lady studying here in Jordan for a while is making a research about Jordan and Jordanians, whose name is Anja, is asking for our help in her research that will result in a book about Jordan.
The book, just to give you a hint about it, will be presenting Jordan, Arabic culture and the Arabic alphabet. It will include 29 chapters (as much as Arabic letters), that are waiting to be filled with smart, interesting short texts.
Next are some topics Anja ( is still wanting to fill out in her book, if you like anything else please feel free to do so, just tell Anja if you are interested about your topic so that she makes sure not to have it twice, you can email her on So for example you can write about a topic which is maybe not so prominent if you think on Jordan - no camel-desert-orientalist view, religious-fanatics fear etc. or in case you present them in a totally surprising context (for example a Bedouin with mobile and 4 wheel drive having a lots of money and traveling through Europe...).
Note that the deadline is July the 20th, pictures and photos are more than welcome, The text should conclude with a short info about the writer (first name, age, place of birth and stay nowadays, profession and picture of you, and maybe with some information connected with the text).
some topics which are still free:
(1) Arabic numbers- which have a special meaning/history (the early settlement of nabataens, some historical dates like to ottoman occupation, the raising of the Jordanian kingdom, the number 48 for Israel, using numbers in writing like "a7mad" , the population of Amman in 1920 and today)
I would call the headline Arabic numbers and we can mention that the numbers the West uses are Arabic, and that the Arabs invented the 0, which was the beginning of mathematics. And in the following we can just give short statistic numbers like the examples above to mention facts about Jordan and give information like in a lexical.
I think this is a smart way to give some information
(2) The King and his images spread all over Jordan and how it does or does not affect your life.
(3) Trashcats
About nowadays environmental problems, less water, trash, smog etc. (it should mention the way of getting water and cleaning it, about the the way trash goes, the cats which are sticking their heads inside) The topic is serious but i think you can write smart about it like also making fun that cats are even better than rats or mice. Maybe we can also tell that many people here lost their awareness for their body while eating fast food and not moving. Why they take so less care nowadays about such things? how they live, eat and their nature? Even the Quran says don't cut a tree? How it comes that people don't care?
(4) Bargain for something
The tradition for bargain, the traditional souks which still can be found in Damascus/Aleppo and some indication which still exist in Amman's Downtown and the Friday markets
(5) Sun and moon, Orient and Occident.
Tell something about the symbols and roles which sun and moon have in oriental and western societies. For example the calendar is based on moon in the Islamic timetable and the sun in western Christian thinking. About that you call your habibi -moon- and we call it -sun-. How it comes?? Is this related to the geographical environmental influence of sun and moon.
Westerns adore the sun cause they have less sun days, Arabs idolize the moon cause the nights were, for the Bedouin, the best time to move and spend time cause it was not as hot as in the daytime ... whatever comes into your mind.
(6) The Wadis and Jebels; how Jordan became its surface from a geographical point of view.
(7) Couples in Amman and their story, how they get to know each other, what are their future plans and dreams, which places they like to go in Amman (to have privacy) etc.
(8) The Mecca Mall and the many new fancy places which are part of Amman's
American and western living style in a Arabic surrounding/packaging(interesting photos from supermarket interior and products...) and how the people enjoy it but also keep their identity/ special habits ( for example you find a praying room
in the mecca mall etc.)
(9) Light and colors. The environment, the sky and the colors of the country are influencing the people. Can you make a color palette and tell what and where the typical colors of the country are?
(10) Driving in Amman, rules and creativity.
(11) Signage in Amman, the obvious signs on houses, the sometimes missing signs which are replaced by writings on the wall, the English-Arabic writings on them.
(12) The tradition of olive harvest and the olive tree as a part of Jordan's identity.
(13) Jordanian nationality, in the mix of people, finding a home here, is there a feeling for the nation??
Be Creative and subjective, be free to express yourself! Anja doesn't need reports you can read in book you find about Jordan in the book shop, but a 100% Jordanian creativity about Jordan.
Anja's email is, again :
20 June, 2006
Emap Performance UK makes new jingles for Play 99.6
I figured out from the style of those jingles, because i know most of Emap's productions are similar to each other (actually most radio production companies adopt a theme for their productions).
I like Emap's way in producing radio jingles, and i personally consider it one of the best in the world along with the US based Jennifer Vaughn (whose sexy voice is brilliant, and some jingles made by her are played on Radio Jordan FM, specifically LC Listeners' Choice ;).
I only have one note regarding those new Play jingles, the closing can be neater, i don't like it when the jingle girls say “Play 99.6” rapidly in the end, i dunno, it could have ended with “Play!” like the other jingles play do already have instead of squeezing it like that.
19 June, 2006
Watch the World Cup for Free on TV ( Part 2)
Ehab will be posting daily through his blog the day's decodes.
Details Here....
We are also currently checking some FTA channels that are broadcasting the games Free To Air, so please keep checking for up-to-date details.
ART أيهاب الحكواتي يعلن الحرب على
أعلن ايهاب الحكواتي, زميلي في مشروع بيسكا, رسميا البارحة الحرب على شبكة راديو و تلفزيون العرب.
ذلك بعد الضغوطات التي قامت بها الأي أر تي على محطات التلفزة التي يصل بثها الى المنطقة العربية و التي تبث مباريات كأس العالم لشعوبها , و بالتحديد التلفزيون السويسري الحكومي و الذي يبث عبر القمر الأوروبي هوت بيرد بثا مشفرا بتقنية فياكسيس القديمة و التي تقوم أجهزة الرسيفير الحديثة بفك تشفيرها بدون بطاقة – أيه كيه أيه ميتابوكس – أو الأقل حداثة التي تقبل بطاقة فياكسيس, و التي يتم فك شيفرتها بطريقة مماثلة لأدخال كلمة سر والتي تمثل الشيفرة. بالأضافة الى قناة كانال بير (1) التركية الأسطنبولية و التي كانت تبث المباريات بشكل مفتوح عبر القمر البلدي التركي كما علمتم سابقا في بوست أخر.
المهم, أيه أر تي قامت بأقناع كانال 1 بتركيب وحدة تشفير متطورة (أكيد أعطوهم أياها ببلاش) بحيث يقوموا بتشفير أي شيء أخضر بطلع عالشاشة شاملا المباريات. و أجبرت التلفزيون السويسري بتغيير كودة التشفير يوميا, بل و عدة مرات يوميا.
و لكن, و بما أن كودة التلفزيون السويسري بتظل فياكسيس, كان أيهاب لها.
سوف يقوم أيهاب الحكواتي, يوميا و على بلوغه – أو مدوانته – الخاص بأعطاء القراء الأكارم الشيفرات لكل يوم بيومه, بل و قد قام بشرح طريقة أدخال الكود في الريسيفر حتى تستطيع قارئاتنا العزيزات متابعة فريقهن الأيطالي – الواقع و اللي كان بيلعب نص جول هظيكت اليوم مع الأمريكان اللي كان راكبلي كل واحد منهم بكم جيمس و طايح عالملعب – على راحتهن في بيوتهن.
للمزيد من المعلومات أنقر(ي) هنا
هاظا البوست برعاية التلفزيون الروماني, الناقل الحصري لكأس العالم على قمر اليوتيلسات دبليو 2 بتقنية الصوت بلا صورة.
ملاحظة هامة جدا: أذا كان لديك فايبر أوبتيك كونيكشين في الشركة التي تعمل بها - يعني أبو ثلاث أربع ميغاهات بنفع - فبأمكانك المبيت في الشركة طوال فترة المونديال بداعي العمل المتراكم, حيث تبث كانال 1 التركية المباريات عبر جهاز الأنترنت -على قولة أخي أياس الجميد- بتقنية اللايف ستريم مباشرة و بدون تشفير. كله أخضر , كله طقع .... خاصة عال فايبر.
Technorati Tags: ehab,hakawati,gets,mad,ART,world,cup,freeeeeeeeeeee
17 June, 2006
Play got a PODCAST! The Play Cast
Nice initiative, Jameeeeeeeeeed, some one tries to get over you,
It can be downloaded HERE.
Didnt give it a listen yet my self, but do not like the partitioning thing so far!
The World Cup radio coverage: Amman FM Vs. Amman Net FM
I'll be mentioning only the stations that show an interest in the world cup, stations not mentioned in this post are simply ones that do not give an interest.
Panorama FM: a station that covers the world cup in a professional way, and one with a level that suits the station's pan-arab orientation, and the fact that it belongs to a professional media group like MBC.
Probably one annoying thing for me as a listener is the extra (and I mean EXTRA) care for the station with the Saudi team.. they even play songs by Mohammad Abdo cheering the Saudi team :) I personally do not think the Saudi team will go that far in the championship, especially after the team's tie with the Tunisian, a tie that gave the Ukrainians a chance to get to the 2nd tournament with a victory and a tie.
But, this cheering is oriented after all to Panorama FM's biggest audience, the Saudis them self.
Mazaj FM: They have a show each evening at 6 PM with the famous Jordanian sports guy: Mohammad El-M3eidi, probably the biggest problem of the show is its timing, since by the end of the 1st tournament there will be some matches that start at 5 PM JLT... I don't think some football fan will ignore a game in order to listen to a radio show that analysis the previous day's matches!
Fann FM and Radio Rotana: I'm mentioning both of them at the same time because both stations , despite being owned by two different parties (Fann is owned by the Jordanian Armed Forces, while Rotana is owned by Rotana Production), both are operated and powered by the same media corporation, that is, Al-Kawn Audio-Visual Media. And they are dealing with the world cup in exactly the same way!
Both stations have a reporter in an Ammani Cafe along the duration of the championship, Fann FM have someone in cafe Khattar, and Rotana have someone in Zee Diner – Abdoun.
Both stations have that reporter spinning between the public before each match asking them questions and giving away prices, but during the match those stations' regular non-stop music is being aired, with interruptions each and every while where the transmission moves to the reporter on location, where he would say what happened with the game and what is he seeing on that big display in front of him.
I personally didnt like this way, and more over, i didnt like Fann FM's guy at cafe Khattar, he is BORING!
Play FM: I still do not know why on earth they keep claiming in that jingle that they are “Jordan's Official World Cup Station”!!!!!or is it just to cope with “Jordan's Official Chart Show” which i don't know how accurately official is it, and “Jordan's Official Request Show” which i really cannot figure it out from usual non-stop music sessions. Or even “Jordan's way to wake up in the morning” .... I hope Mohammad Al-Wakeel do not know about this :)
I mean, even with Radio Jordan FM i can get more useful information about the world cup, they at least give up to date information about the world cup matches in their news bulletins at the top of the hour.
I respect though Play's initiative in issuing the would cup schedule, which i didnt get up to the moment due to fact that is available in “Fancy Places” only. And I didnt have the chance to pass by their place to get one.
Radio Amman FM: A station that airs the World Cup matches live from ART Sports, Amman FM have also a guess-the-score show before every match, a lossy one if you would ask for my opinion, since random radio announcers take over the show, and some that know nothing about football and sports, making it silly to listen and participate at, and sooooo unprofessional.
The analysis studio after, before, and during the matches (in the break) are some how gloomy, either talking about the radio announcers randomizing along it as well or some of the people the invite, the other day one of the people they invited was proving that the USA has more experience in football than the Czech Republic! The radio announcer was bringing the invited person's attention that Czech was famous before 1990 as well while they were united in Czechoslovakia, but the invited person got mad and insisted that there is a difference between Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic !!!!!!!!!!! DUH!
And not to forget captain Esa Al-Turk's analysis (by the way, I mentioned that they bring Esa Al-Turk more than anybody else), which is 100% Jordanian so that the other day after the match between the Ecuador and Poland in which the Ecuador won 2-0 he said:
Hehe, thank got JTV are not broadcasting the world cup games :P
Despite all this, Amman FM still have probably the highest audience as far as the world cup coverage is concerned, most probably cause the have promoted a lot regarding their World cup coverage, plus their transmission that covers over 80% of Jordan's population throughout their 5 working frequencies and Irbid FM. Including me :)
Radio Amman NET: Another station the transmits the matches live from ART Sports, but with a difference!
All the other accessories, including the guess-the-score game and the analysis studio are Neat and Professional.
Very, if you'd ask for my opinion!
The guess-the-score show is way to cool and professional, the radio announcer is a super cool guy, and one that knows how to lead a show full of charisma and funkiness, absolutely suitable for the World Cup spirit.
The Analysis studio is lead by a guy from the industry it self, Mohammad Gadree Hassan, who was the Sports reporter and announcers in MBC FM Amman back in the good old days when radio MBC FM was broadcasting from London and Has a local radio station in Amman.
Captain Mohammad Gadree knows how to lead a sports analysis show, and choose suitable people for it. And is also able to make his own analysis in a very professional manner, plus, he gets on the air during the game when some gets a goal, covering the ART's commentator, which adds more “Localization” to the transmission, despite its some how annoying if you would ask me for my opinion.
Despite the fact that Radio Amman Net imitated Amman FM in the full transmission thingy, and that they got up some how late with it. But they made it up with quite a good campaign of ads in the news papers, and they did it their way, turning it into an innovation rather than an imitation.
I like creativity, good job you Amman Net guys ;)
Unfortunately i do not get Radio Amman Net in jerash at all, since they have their transmission antenna in Wadi Saqra, and even the building next to them is taller than their transmission antenna, but i surely turn the dial to 92.4 when ever i'm in the greater Amman area and wanna catch up with the world cup from the car.
Technorati tags: radio, Amman, FM,Net,92.4,99.0,World,cup,coverage
14 June, 2006
Umniah Apologises for the Blackout.
As a result, Umniah have officially appologised for its subscribers today.
13 June, 2006
Umniah's Blackout
I guess they should start to take the number of half a million seriously now, as well as the fact that umniah subscribers are heavy calling users.
fortunately, being a GSM 1800 network and 3G upgradeable, the blackout is not total..
its somehow movable between the areas and cells. and its a funny blackout, for example, for a certain period today, i was able to call anyone and receive calls from anyone but from and to Umniah Subscribers (even to-from a mobile that is next to me!), but i was able to SMS with them!!!!
Weared, this is my 1st unhappy exerience with umniah,,, i personally hope it wont get repeated again!
11 June, 2006
Radio Ahlen FM provides a Value added RDS service
Ahlen FM is now providing a Live RDS service that displays the name of the artist and the name of the track that is currently being played on air. A service that would really add a nice experience for the listener, weather being in the car or at home, (s)he will be able from now on to know the exact name of the tracks being played on the airwaves, a technique i consider very suitable for non-stop music sessions and playlists, and even a better one for a station like ahlen that doesnt have any Djs, shows, news, nor any prepared content to be played on the air.
RDS by the way, stands for Radio Data System. A service that can be gained using special radio receivers, but most of the new receivers and car audio systems have RDS nowadays.
Most of the stations in the Jordanian airwaves do have a typical level of RDS service, which is displaying the name of the radio station.
RDS first appeared in Jordan on the frequencies of Radio Fann FM, displaying the stations name, frequency and transmission tower location. Also, enabling another nice default service by RDS, that is, a soft switch technique between the station's frequencies across Jordan without the need to preset the frequencies or seek for them, if any of you got in a car that has an RDS audio system, drove from Amman towards Irbid, and tuned to Radio Fann FM on 104.2, the radio will auto switch to Ajlun's 94.3 FM at the Rumman Area, and auto switch to Irbid's 91.1 FM a couple of kilometers before the town of Husson.
Now i wounder how nice it would have been if Radio Amman FM had an RDS system and displayed the score of the match through RDS for the listeners ;)
cool dreams, ha ;)
PS: Soon, my radio guide will have a make over, one that would be made across the summer to provide more services for its visitors, including, for example an RDS icon for station that provide such a service.
Technorati tags: radio, Ahlen, FM, RDS, displaying, song, title
A Private Jordanian Radio Station is playing a DIRTY GAME!
Also, they'd be asking you to give a listen to some certain tracks they'll be playing you on the phone, asking you to give a rating for the song, and weather you had enough of it on the “Radio” or not.
They have called me over a week ago, and I've answered all their questions honestly and incestuously, and only after i've ended the phone call with them started some analysis about it, followed by an investigation around and about, the resulted that my other friends that have contacted that station in the same period of time that i've lately did received similar phone calls from the same number with the same purpose.
Besides, no company popped up with the name of “Audio-Visual Research” or any similar related even in this period i've been investigating the issue.
So, let me result of my analysis for this incident:
The Phone number that has called me and called the others i know (others were called from another number, but a similar one) carryout the numbers of this radio station's frequency on the airwaves, a popular trend in todays Jordanian companies and enterprises.
The lady calling, asked me for the station i usually listen to, have said another station but that station she asked me: “Aren't there other stations as well”? Answering with the 2nd station on my list, she asked me to mention Three stations. Telling here that this station im suspecting here is my 3rd choice, she replied in unsatisfied manner: “Hmm, This is what i needed!”.
Next, all the songs she asked me to rate, and weather i had enough hearing them on the radio or not were, particularly, from that station's nowadays playlist, and from that station's style of music, particularly as well.
I'm not, and will not be publishing the station's name, but this is a message for them, and i personally know that they do follow my Radio Guide page as well as my blog, that this is an improper game their playing, since the most probable scenario would indicate that they'll publish their “RESEARCH” in the mass media.
What kind of research is this done on those following and contacting a certain radio station! Even though they got some “so-called disappointing” opinions from some of those they called, just like yours truly.
Some ethics anyone?!
Technorati tags: private, radio, station, dirty, game
Watch The World Cup for Free on TV
Sat: Turksat 2A (Available at 42.0 Degrees East, along with Turksat 1C)
Channel name: Kanal 1
Frequency: 12008
Polarity: Hor
Symbol Rate: 4400
So, Watch it there, and lsn to the arabic comments on Radio Amman FM.
for those outside Jordan: Watch out, only the countries in the map will be able to watch, since the channels coverage is limited (Picture for details)

10 June, 2006
Watch The World Cup for Free on Amman FM ;)
Exclusively accross jordan on Radio Amman FM (Frequencies available on Jordan's Radio Guide)
99.0 FM in Amman Greater Area,Zarqa,Mafraq
95.8 FM in the North(Ajlun,Irbid,Jerash), also reaches to the west bank, and southern syria and lebanon
105.6 FM in Aqaba, also reaches in Taba, Sharm Al-Sheikh and Nwebe3 in Egypt
105.0 FM in the Jordan Valley
09 June, 2006
Watch the World Cup for free
Hell Ya ART!
Alghad and Radio Fann's National Songs CD
here are the songs from yesterday's Al-ghad & Fann FM's CD of national songs
5.0M ya-ordon-ya-ghali.ogg
6.7M jeshana.ogg
6.0M hashmi.ogg
4.3M bel 3askariya.ogg
6.6M ghaz-al-bayareg.ogg
4.9M mar7a lamdara3atna.ogg
4.6M maw6nni.ogg
6.7M 3anger-boreetak.ogg
Technorati Tags: alghad, radio, fann, cd, jordanian, songs
05 June, 2006
Project BiSCA = less the 20.000 JD!
Operating it will cost including maintenance around 20000 JD/ Year as well.... which is pretty amazing in camparison with "Corny© Information Systems" that cost millions of dollars.
Here is a draft ,that is still in its BETA version, regarding the total costs of operation and total cost of ownership for project BiSCA.
The report will be updated soon.
Project BiSCA = less the 20.000 JD!
Operating it will cost including maintenance around 20000 JD/ Year as well.... which is pretty amazing in camparison with "Corny© Information Systems" that cost millions of dollars.
Here is a draft ,that is still in its BETA version, regarding the total costs of operation and total cost of ownership for project BiSCA.
The report will be updated soon.