11 February, 2008

Radio Guide Update: Radio Al-Balad can now be reached in and northern and western Amman

Finally, Radio Al-Balad (Previously Ammannet), on 92.4 FM can now be reached in more regions of the capital. mainly in western and northern Amman were its transmission was almost non-existent.

The new re-branding of Ammannet to Radio Al-Balad, has led to a variety of new good changes and new shows, and the best change is that now i can get to hear this radio station at home.

Apparently, there is someone who took into consideration my long list of recommendations. Hope some other stations would act accordingly as well.

UPDATE 15-2-2008: Seems this status didnt last that much, as the transmission coverage of the station got worse than ever in the last couple of day!!!
According to some on-field transmission power testing that i did this evening, the transmission power did not exceed 0-20% in most of amman's areas, even near the station in Wadi Saqra street, and in Rabieh where the station's antenna is located!

UPDATE 11-3-2008: Finally, the station is back to be well heard on the airwaves. with the new improved coverage.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Nasim for keeping us updated on these.
I recommend that you have a "living" article that contains all these updates so that we can always take a glace and find out the latest. Whenever you add a post here, you can update that article and point to it.

Just a suggestion, I hope it helps

Thanks again

nasimjo said...

Thx for the suggestion qwaider,

actually there is such a thing on http://nasimjo.itgo.com/radioguide.html

But its not that much updated, and im thinking of moving it to this blog.
