25 August, 2006

Why isn't Anyone watching the world cup nowadays!?

Yeah, for real ... the under 20 women World Cup has started on the 17th of August & it will last till the 1st of September... & believe you me, its hotter than the men's :)

Here , 1st of all , all the countries that has under 20 year women football teams can participate, without pre-qualification tournaments , like men's. ( & I'm Really wondering why our Jordanian team aint there! coz they play well after all!)

Here , everything is almost the same except for some facts:
- broadcasting licenses are almost free & TV channels are not buying them! people ain't killing their self either to watch it ... I'm watching it on Eurosport (Its on Eurosport and Eurosport 2).

- the event is being held in Russia, a country not capable of hosting the men's WC.

- the stadiums are empty, mostly!

- Fifa broadcasting guys are giving away the same quality of shots and production, but During the match, don't get surprised if the director switches to a camera focusing on a couple french kissing on the stadium!

- players standing in a defense wall have , somehow a different position :)

I Guess I'd let some pics speak for the event :)

Pluto ... not a planet any more..!

Yup, a surprising news that i heard just last night.

Astronomers of from around the world have just voted for excluding Pluto from being one of our solar system's nine planets.... & even categorize it under the category of "Small Objects" instead of "planets" .. along with asteroids... & ... Others! details here

I really wonder what action will those from Pluto take when they hear the news of excluding them from the "Solar Union" ... will they revolt, will they find another star to be part of its "Union", or will the just be happy and celebrate their "freedom"!

Did the human astronomers consult our neighbouring martians about their decision, or do those martians only think about Venus's chicks, and simply don't give a damn!

& what happened to the humans from a certain zodiac sign that have Pluto considered as their sign's planet "or exhausted planet for now!"

will we see marches in the the streets for members of this sign asking for the astronomers council to get their planet back into the "Universe of Planets", or will they be immigrated to another planet!

Anyway, hope "Jordan Planet" will not be a destiny for those new immigrants! its already too crowded!

18 August, 2006

Some Progress in my life!

Soon .... there will be some progress in my life!

09 August, 2006

Details on "How To Go To Romania By Bus"?!

So, based on high popular demand, ill be publishing more details about how the trip to Romania by bus would be.

1st of all, and as Firas commented on the previous post, it will be Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, and then Romania.

To start of, you have 2 options, either go with a taxi to Damascus, from where you will have to take the bus to turkey, or to go directly with a Turkish company to turkey.

Through Damascus, you will have to take a taxi in Damascus in order to go to the main bus station situated in northern Damascus (even outside Damascus), while the Amman and Beirut terminal (as it is called) is in Al-Baramke – southern Damascus.

In Damascus's bus station, all the buses to turkey leave either at 10 PM or 11 PM everynight, depending on the company, there are several Turkish companies operating on the route, around 13 companies specifically. The disadvantage in going through Damascus is for sure (EL MARMA6A)! Adding to that, all the buses between Syria and turkey work in “TAHREEB”. An advantage is that you can buy a ticket to Istanbul from Damascus with a very cheap price (a little more than the Amman-antakia ticket's price).

From Amman, there are also 3-4 Turkish companies, with buses leaving in somedays of the week, not every day... i personally recommend trans-Turkey's best bus company, “HAS”, which has an office in Abdali at Toledo Hotel, and their bus leaves every Sun-Tue-Thurs at 5 PM. This year we preferred going from Amman because “HAS” is here 1st of all, The taxi fairs to Damascus are more expensive with the situation around and about, and to avoid the marma6a on the streets of Damascus at rush hour!

All the buses from anywhere outside Turkey (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia) will carry you at Antakia, in southern turkey, around 55 KMs after the Syrian border, where you will be arriving in the next day's morning (from where every you came) and switching buses to another bus, according to your destination in Turkey, a bus that is a top class, and less than a couple of years old.

Inside Turkey, all the operating buses are very comfortable and top class buses (JETT's are really crap in comparison with them), and maybe Turkey's pride in transportation is its home made Mercedes 0403 (prototype of Mercedes Tourismo, which JETT and Alpha have only several buses of it, and are used for top tourist groups), which is made in turkey, and has been carrying turkey's passengers across their country for over 10 years now.

Leaving from Antakia (which over half of its population can understand arabic) at midday with Istanbul's bus, you will be passing by Iskandiron, Adana, Toros Mountains (where the bus will have a launch break between the beautiful mountains in Boynati (spelled Byzan6ah)), Ankara “The Capital” around midnight, where you will surely get amazed by its 3 floors bus station, only to be in the morning in Istanbul. You will enter Istanbul around 6 AM, pass the bridge over the bosphor around 7:30, and reach istanbul's main bus station (which is also a doubled floor bus station) after 8 AM.

In Istanbul you have a couple of options as well, a bus to Bucharest, or other cities in Romania, or the train.

The bus leaves around 5 PM in the afternoon from the commercial area called AKSARAY (the only place in the world that i found LEE jeans with 10$), while the train leaves at 10 PM from the Istanbul Gar (train station) in Sirkici area near the sea and the bazars.

By the way, the transportation from istanbul's bus station to any area you want in Istanbul is FREE! And assured by the bus company. (this is how business is made dear arabs ... LEARN!).

We have been preferring to go by train for several reasons, the train has beds first of all! Yes, every wagon consists of rooms with 3 or 6 beds (depending on the class), plus, the police and customs will be coming into the train to check and control, so there will be no need for more carrying, in addition to the fact that you will have a FULL day available for you in Istanbul, and a room in a hotel will go around 10-15$, just perfect after a couple of nights traveling.

The 4th and final day, around 4-5 PM in the afternoon you will be in Romania's Capital, Bucharest. As simple as that ;)

In the way back, it will take only 3 days, that is since you will be in antakia in the morning, and in the same day at night you will be home in Amman, so you will not waste a day like in the trip to Romania....

Estimated costs for one way: 150-170$
In comparison with a plane ticket on the romanian airwaves (TAROM) which has the monopoly of the route:
2 – way: 600$
1 – way: 500$

conclusion, more fun, pay less.....

And by the way, from Istanbul you can go as far as Paris with the bus! Just in case you are interested!

07 August, 2006

The Open Door

On October 3rd ... finally!

By the way, you can hear Evanescence's latest single: "Call Me When You're Sober" on Radio Jordan FM and on Beat FM

Off to Romania ... by BUS!

Yup, ill be leaving this thursday to romania for several weeks, and ill be going there by bus...

Dont get amazed, i already went through the route 12 times :)

and its nice, believe you me, and worth it!

so ,,, i might be less active on my blog for a while, and i dunno if ill be able to post pics from there ... but i well after coming back hopefully.

طيران عمر شديفات!

أكدت مصادر مطلعة من شباك الكلية , و التي ودعتها البارحة للأبد, أن (الأستاذ الدكتور) عمر شديفات سوف يطير عما قريب من رئاسة الجامعة الهاشمية بعد ما يزيد عن سنة و نصف من القيادة المتهورة لأوضاع الجامعة , والتي تكاد تودي بالجامعة الى هاوية, لن تعود بالضرر الا على طلابها, اللذين بنو خلال السنتين الماضيتين سمعة طيبة للجامعة, حتى أصبحت بعض الشركات تقوم بالإستيلاء على دفعات كاملة من خريجي بعض التخصصات نظرا لكفائتهم التي توازي أفرادا بخبرة تزيد عن سنة و سنتان.

أنا نفسي قد عايشت هذه الأوضاع, والتي وصلت قمتها وقت زيارة جلالة الملك للجامعة لافتتاح مبنى كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات خلال شهر أيار الماضي. و التي , بسبب أنشغالي بأمور المشروع لم تسنح لي الفرصة لنشرها, و لكن, ولله الحمد , و صلت الحقائق علاما يبدو الى الديوان الملكي الهاشمي العامر, لتنكشف لعبة عمر شديفات.

باختصار, هذا ما كان بروتوكول الزيارة كما ورد من الديوان الملكي:

يقوم جلالته بافتتاح المبنى.

يقوم جلالته بالتجول في أنحاء المبنى, و يقوم بزيارة أحد المختبرات أو القاعات الدراسية

يقوم جلالته بالقاء كلمة قصيرة على الطلبة في مدرج الكلية

خلال ذلك يكون جميع الموظفين و المدرسين و الطلاب المتواجدون في الكلية بحمل بادجات أو تراخيص خاصة. و لن يسمح الحرس الملكي لأي فرد لا يحمل هذا الترخيص بالدخول أو التواجد في الكلية.

يقوم جلالته بوضع حجر الأساس لكلية الطب.

بالأضافة طبعا لأجراءات الحرس الملكي في الجامعة بشكل عام.

أما السيد عمر, فقد قام بتطبيق الموضوع على هواه, بعد علمه بفرحة طلاب و أداريي الكلية بزيارة جلالة الملك, ليزاح عن كاهلهم سياسة الأنغلاق التي يتبعه الرئيس, والتي وصلت الى منع طرح بعض مواد التخصص الأختيارية في الكلية التي طالب الطلاب و المدرسون بها ( طبعا بعد ما أخونا خلالنا كل صغيرة و كبيرة بالجامعة لازم تمر من تحت مناخيره).

فكانت خطة الرئيس كالاتي:

يعلق الدوام في كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات.

لا يعطى أي ترخيص لأي طالب تكنولوجبا معلومات! و لا حتى طلاب المشاريع الذي كان من المقترح زيارتهم في المختبر.

يقوم جلالته بزيارة أحد مختبرات الكلية, على أن يكون في طلاب يفترض بهم أن يكونوا من طلبة مادة مهارات الحاسوب التي تعطى لكافة طلبة الجامعة. (طبعا ما كانوش حتى طلاب مهارات حاسوب في الواقع), على أن يقوم أحد الأساتذة المحاضرين من كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات بالتواجد في المختبر ليقوم بتقديم نبذة عن الكلية لجلالته.

يتم اختيار طلاب أردنيين من جميع تخصصات الجامعة للتواجد في مدرج الكلية (باستثناء طلبة نكنولوجيا المعلومات طبعا) و مجموعة من خيرة الطلاب ( فكان الأختيار على شعبة لمادة الثقافة الوطنية التي تعطى لطلبة الجامعة, تحوي طالبا تكنولوجيا معلومات لا يحملان الجنسية الأردنية, و أحدهم بتعرفوه, اسألوه! .... و خيرة من الطلبة الذين يتعاملون مع عمادة شؤون الطلبة, بل و حتى بضع من أوائل التخصصات في الجامعة باستثناء أوائل تكنولوجيا المعلومات ).

لا يسمح لأي موظف أو محاضر أو مدرس في كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات بدخول المدرج أو لقاء جلالة الملك باستثناء الدكتور العميد في المدرج, و الدكتور المحاضر في المختبر.

و هكذا كان, لا بل و لم يسمح أمن الجامعة لطلاب تكنولوجيا المعلومات بالتواجد في المنطقة المحيطة بالكلية, لا بل و بالطلب من الطلبة في اليوم الذي سبق الزيارة بعدم القدوم الى الجامعة (لأنو الزيارة مش إلكوا).

هذا ناهيك عن أن رئيس الجامعة قال لجلالته أثناء وضعة لحجر الأساس لكلية الطب أن قيمة العطاء 14 مليون بينما هو 11.7 مليون و فراطة طويلة لأني شفت العطاء بعيوني بما أنو والدي بشتغل في الشركة المنفذة للمشروع.

كما تدارى إلى مسمعي من مصدر قوي الملاحظة فضل عدم الذكر عن أسمه, أن الرئيس لم يكن حتى في استقبال جلالته عند وصول الطائرة العامودية! بل أتى الى الكلية, حيث كان الرئيس متواجدا.

هذا و تأتي هذه التصرفات بعد سلسلة من التصرفات التي أودت بالجامعة الى أطراف الهاوية, والتي لغت العمل الأضافي للموظفين و المكافأت , و منعت الدكاترة و المدرسين من المؤتمرات و البحث العلمي, ومن يقوم بأي منهما يقوم بذلك على مسؤوليته, بمصاريفه, و خلال أجازته! بالأضافة الى الغاء مخصصات دعم مشاريع الطلبة من قبل الجامعة. كل ذلك بهدف تقنين النفقات!

مدعيا مشروع كلية الطب ذريعة لذلك....... ولكن هناك 4 مشاريع حاليا, حيث بدأ بعد ذلك مشروع لصالة رياضية (بالرغم من وجود صالة في الجامعة), و توسعة للمستودعات تتمثل بطابق ثاني ( ما عمري سمعت عن مستودع طابقين) و مشروع مبنى "خدمات" , لا أحد يعرف ماهيته!!! و لا حتى الشركة المنفذة للمشروع!

المشكلة أنه صار أخونا يحمل العالم جميلة على المشاريع الجديدة كمان (بالرغم أنه على حد معرفتي المحدودة أنه الصالة تمويل من دولة ثانية, و أنه مصاري كلية الطب أجت باتفاقية من الخدمات الطبية الملكية و القوات المسلحة)......

و نسيت أنوه انه فتح باب التسجيل في تخصص الطب و الجراحة من هذا العام من خلال قائمة القبول الموحد لمئة طالب (الله يعينهم) و بسعر 85 دينارا للساعة, بالرغم من أن مبنى الكلية لن يسلم قبل عامين من الآن.

كما يضاف إلى ذلك, وكما ذكر أعلاه أن كل صغيره و كبيره في الجامعة صار لازم تمر تحت مناخيره, حتى فتح الشعب للطلاب.

و الغاء مشروع لاب توب لكل طالب و تعليق مشروع الأنترنت اللاسلكي ( بالرغم من انه تم تركيب وحدة أنترنت لاسلكي في كلية تكنولوجيا معلومات قبل زيارة الملك بأيام), وتأخير أجهزة كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات الجديدة سنة كاملة.

ناهيك عن ان ثلاث أرباع موظفي الجامعة صاروا من عشيرة الرئيس (أنا ما عندي مانع ماداموا من ذوي الكفاءة و مش من ذوي الجنس المش كثير لطيف اللي بظربولك بوز لما تفوت بدك أشي في حال نسيت تسكر الباب على حالها). بالأضافة الى انه المكان اللي كان يعمل فيه 2-3 موظفين صار يعمل في 5-6.

و طبعا بدناش نحكي انه مجموعة من الشباب الهاكرز في الجامعة دخلوا على قاعدة بيانات الموظفين و وجدوا موظفين في سجلات الجامعة عمرهم 15-16 سنة بتقاضوا راتب! (ملاحظة: ما عمري شفت موظف بهالعمر في الجامعة!).

و لا نحكي عن قصة الموظف اللي انتحر.......

الحمد لله , و الشكر للديوان الملكي الهاشمي العامر على المتابعة. الشباب مستعدين ينزلوا بكب فخار كامل عالجامعة بعد طلعة الرئيس بحمد الله و رعايته (بلا رجعه). و انشالله لن يخذل طلاب الدفعة سمعة الجامعة, و سيبقى عاليا بما يليق بمستواها و مستوى أسمها.

For Beirut... on Radio Amman Net

Unfortunately, and because i can't get Radio Amman Net in jerash (it transmits from wadi saqra, so it aint an easy way for the airwaves to reach here), i didnt notice Radio Amman net's show that has been on for over a couple of weeks now, for Lebanon, entitled (Le-Beirut : which means "For Beirut"). But yesterday when Mr Daoud Kattab (the co-owner and manager of the station, published about it in his website).

The show, as described here is daily between 16:30 – 17:00, deals with connecting people in Jordan with their relatives and/or friends in Lebanon, and also had an influence in the Jordanian community and authorities regarding the Lebanese refugee people suffering who came to Jordan, and about the Jordanian citizen case that has been killed in Israeli raids trying to get out from southern Lebanon with his family.

I really hoped if anyone would have posted about it earlier, or suggested the subject on my Jordanian Airwaves Guide through the email available for those issues.

The Jordanian Quran Radio bought by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs

The Jordanian Quran Radio, which was owned by the Jordanian Broadcasting Corporation, had been bought recently by the ministry of Awqaf and Islamic affairs, in order to develop a new perspective for the radio station, especially after the competency that has appeared in this field of radio station as well after launching Hayatt FM, which, in case you're asking me for my opinion is doing pretty great with its all sort of social, religious, and education programs, attracting quite a range of people that didnt use to listen to the radio, as well as listeners of the Jordanian quran radio, which turned in the shadow lately.

Apparently, there is more and more lack of trust from the local authorities in the Jordanian broadcasting corporation. That is after the Jordanian armed forces started its own radio station, the police department is starting its own radio station soon as well, the municipality of greater Amman broadcasts its news and announcements on Radio Amman Net even before it started broadcasting on FM airwaves, and even the Jordanian football federation contracted with ART to broadcast and promote the Jordanian league for the next season, instead of JTV!

And now, here comes the ministry of islamic affairs taking over the quran radio, despite the fact that there were many voices calling on the jordaian radio to maintain and improve the programs on the quran station (there were never programs on the station by the way!) even years before the existence of hayatt FM, in ramadan at least, but they were always ignoring it!

PS: this post was intended to be published earlier

02 August, 2006

An Ammani Taxi driver that listens to Mood FM!

The other day i had a ride with a taxi driver that was tuned to Mood FM!

No kidding, I was amazed, the man (who is in his late 40s) was a calm man, a good driver, and a good music listener, he was even singing with the some songs on mood fm that i didn't know my self!


So, if you firas happen to get a ride with mr ma7asiri in his year 2000 Nissan Sunny, please tell him that you read about him on my blog ;)

New Urban Public Transportation buses in Amman

Al-Thelal Transportation Co. has recently added new Urban Public Transportation buses to its fleet.

Al-thelal, known for its Mitsubishi Yellow colored buses, got new Mitsubishi Ghabbour urban buses (which are yellow as well), that have digital displays, following ASIA transport Co with the idea of having digital displays informing about the line and route of the bus.

Unlike their older Mitsubishi buses in fleet, which were mainly dedicated to certain routes (ASIA's buses weren't dedicated to specific lines though the line number and route board was static before installing the digital displays earlier this year, cause a lot of confusing for the passengers), those ones are not made in Jordan. In case you don't know, the fleet of Al-Thelal was entirely consisted by buses made in Jordan by ELBA, under license from several companies. Actually, the Big Yellow Jordanian Mitsubishi buses that Al-Thelal bought from ELBA several years ago were the first Mitsubishi Urban Buses model in the whole world, and Mitsubishi's Magazine published about it then.

So starting to install these digital displays will result in having the buses managed freely in a better way on the routes that Al-Thelal is operating.

Finally, the new buses can be seen on Line 52 (University of Jordan – Sport City – Wadi Saqra Street - 5th Circle – Wadi Abdoun Street – Ras Al-Ain – Al Taiebat Village – Dawwar Al Sharq Al Awsat in We7dat).

And by the way, they have better seats than to be called Urban :)

More: http://nasimjo.blogspot.com/2007/11/blog-post.html

علي نون

Man, this guy, Ali Noon, Al-Arabia's reporter is sick of what is going in lebanon......

no, its not enough that the poor people are sick of it ... (since the rich ones got outta there a whole while ago .... i saw many Lebanese people with Lebanese matriculated cars in luxury hotels in Amman, the dead sea, and aqaba enjoying their selves with Cuban cigar, fine wine, caviar, and other BLAs,like if there is nothing happening in their country ... and the people are collecting money to help the Lebanese population while those fat selfish guys “and gals of course” are wasting money on their selfishness ), its not enough that we are sick of it ... hearing all kind of stories of whats happening there on and off line (since sometimes u get to hear stuff from people coming from there that u cant hear on the media), and its not enough that you get discussed of some “selfish as well” media outlets “specifically TV stations” in their way of “analyzing” and “discovering” what is happening in there, and from the

Ali Noon was yesterday on the news at 11 PM saying about the war that it is turning into direct selfish confrontation between the Israeli army and Hezbollah, making it for the both parties the “Um Al Ma3arek”, saying it ironically in a way that he continued saying: “la bal wa Abuha wa Ummoha Wa O5toha”!!!!!

If it reached to have a well know respected reporter, an office chief reporter even, of a respect TV station to say all these stuff in such an irony then we should know that things are “BAD”!


By the way, in case you'd have read my comment on roba's post earlier last week, you'd have known that i didn't post anything for a while now because I'm out of words of this dirty war ..... but Ali noon broke my silence yesterday.... i cant stand it any more....

أبوها و أمها و أختها ...!